Guns ? Protection? -08

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( Juliana)
"Jayden wake up, wake up babe" I shake Jayden who is sweating and tossing and turning in bed "Jay come on" I say as I pat her back "AHHH" she screams but I cover her mouth immediately to make sure the kids don't wake "Shh babe , it's just a dream you're ok , you're ok" I move my hand once she calms down "What happened?" I ask "Star killed The kids , she tried to kill you and I but I stopped it from happening , we have to move , we have to" she says "It's ok Jay , let's talk about it later day, you need sleep" I say "The kids?" She says than gets up and checks on them "Babe" I follow behind her and see Jailene in bed but not ..... "JAYDEN" Jay yells "Jay Jay where are you?" She starts frantically looking around the house "Mama" he calls "Mama" he calls again , I run into the basement and see him on the stairs , behind him the basement door that leads to outside is open . "Jayden what are you doing?" I ask "I forgot to lock the door , I had a bad dream that Star is going to hurt us , all of us" he says than rushes back and locks the door "here put this under the knob" I hand him a folding chair and he does just that. " oh my gosh I was so scared" Jayden says to Lil Jay. "Mama I'm ok , I just had a bad dream". "Me too baby!" "Let's go to bed, I'll barricade the doors" Jayden says than I take Lil Jay and bring him to his bed room and tuck him in "Mama do you think that Star will get us?" He asks "I'll make sure she doesn't , and so will Mommy ! We will protect you and Jailene no matter what!" I say I sit with him until he falls asleep than I go into the bedroom and lay on the bed , Jayden walks in "We need protection if we are going to live here" she says "guns?" I look at her like she lost her mind "dogs , high trained security dogs ! Six of them" "Do you know how much money that is?" I say shocked "Yeah but I'm not risking my children's life for some dumb ass rapper who thinks she's the shit" Jayden says while getting into bed "The door?" I ask. "I want it open just in case," "ok I love you goodnight" "I love you too"
VOTE / COMMENT / SHARE / FOLLOW4MORE - read part one if you have not ! Read "behind my smile" since it is coming to an end , just 2 more parts and it's over !!!!

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