Calm Your Feet ! -51

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Juliana (5 days later)
I pull up at my apartment, walking into the place I see some man on the side , he's white , bout 6'1/2 He's wearing all black and even got on gloves which is weird since it's hot as ever out here . "Hey beautiful" He says "hey handsome" I reply "what's your name?" He asks getting closer "Juliana Young" I extend my hand "Sunny Miraldà" he smiles showing his white teeth . Wow a white person with some nice teeth ! Hard to find 😂 he's fine as fuck damn "let me get yo number" he mumbles "haha what ?" I say "your number baby" he smiles "ok" I tell him my number than head inside the building . I watch as he gets into an expensive ass car and ohhh my gosh is it beautiful .
After doing my everyday shower , I get out and rub on Honey apple cinnamon lotion "mmmm smells soo good!" I say sniffing my hand .   I hear someone walking real heavy by my door "probably that damn guy again ugh" there's this guy who doesn't even tell you his name nor does he speak . He looks at you and nods , he blows kisses to me every time he sees me . Yeah he's cute and all but nigga what's your name ?
After applying lotion I spray nicki Minaj perfume on than put some black panties and a black bra on . Champion brand .  Putting my robe on I head to my front door to tell this nigga to calm his feet ,  Snatching the door open getting ready to cuss this nigga out "YO" I say and he looks at me "calm your feet bro" I deepen my voice . He smiles and lord his teeth are everything ! White , straight , no chips , yellowish , nothing ! Just perfect white teeth they fake ? Nahhh they real ohhh lord Jesus
"Please just stop stomping around you're shaking the inside of my place" I go to turn around but he grabs my arm and points to his ear ohhh shiiit I never noticed ..... before I can say anything he pulls out a gun *BOOM BOOM BOOOM CLICK*

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