That Wink Is seductive -22

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      ( Jayden)

"GET THE FUCK OUT ! BOTH OF YALL DUMBASS HOES GET THE FUCK OUT ! DONT YOU EVER IN YOUR GOT DAMN LIFE COME BACK HERE !!" I scream  "Jay please ca.."  Juliana goes to touch me but I grab her by the neck and push her up against the wall "Jayden help me , I don't want to be with star anymore shes abusing me , she hits me and shes mean to Jailene" I whine at her  "YOU FUCKIN BITCH" I apply pressure to her neck and look her dead in the eyes "YOU DON'T GIVE TWO FUCKS ABOUT JAILENE ! JAYDEN JR. OR I , WE ARE SOME TYPE OF FUCKIN JOKE TO YOU ? DO I LOOK LIKE A JOKE YOU DUMB BROAD" I release my grip from around her neck as she begans to cough and gasp for air "Jayden ill leave! we will leave" Star says as she goes towards Juliana and helps her up  "SIGN YO FUCKIN RIGHTS OVER BITCH!" I yell as I slam the door in their face . I start pacing the living room and kitchen back and forth with my fist balled up and anger ranging through my every nerve , I want to fuckin kill the both of these narcissist assholes "FUCK !" I punch the wall in anger making a big ass hole than I hear someone knocking at my door "WHO THE FUCK IS IT?" I say as I approach the door still very angry and ready to kill the first person who I come in contact with , When I open the door I see NOONE ......just a dick ass letter signed Julie at the bottom  "Stupid c.." I stop right in my tracks as I see Takai pushing a cart full of recyclables up the street. I grab my coat and run out the door crossing the road "TAKAI" I yell , she turns around and I can see the embarrassment in her face immediately "Its not what it .." I cut her off "I'm not stupid Takai and I'm not going to judge you ! I wish you would've told me from the jump because you wouldn't be in this situation, But I'm glad I see you now come with me !" Takai puts the cart behind my house and comes inside "can I have a drink please? I'm dying" she giggles "Yeah anything you want?" I ask "Fruit punch if you have it please and thank you!" she winks at me while sitting down on my couch "Youre welcome boo" I wink back as I walk in to the kitchen to get her some much needed drink. "Jay?" she calls "Yeah?" I respond "Can I shower? I smell" she says "Yeah , My shower is a lil different so let me show you!" I say as I hand her the fruit punch and we walk upstairs with each other .  Turn this handle to shower than close the curtains and the water comes on . Its on full force in 5 different shower heads but you can just have the main one on if you want" I chuckle "Yeah I don't want to get coochie sprayed" She says and we both laugh "Haha ight , These numbers are the shower heads , Just press them until they pop up and it'll only give you the main head" I say as I grab her a towel , washcloth and a *shea butter dove soap bar* "Thank you!" she says handing me the empty glass "You're welcome , Ill get you some clothes" I say as I walk out and into my bedroom , I place the glass on my night stand and open my dresser drawer pulling out a black nike sports bra that says *JUST DO IT* In red , A black nike shirt with the nike sign in red and black and red striped nike joggers .  I slowly open the door and put the clothes on the counter "Hope you like Nike" I say as I giggle than walk out closing the door behind me "Juliana Juliana hmmm don't I have something for you!" I walk into my room and grab my garbage pail than I bring it over to the closet and start throwing all of Juliana's shit away , Jewerly, clothes , make-up, everything she fuckin owns . "Fuckin bitch" I say aloud as I take the last few jewelry pieces and trash them .  Once I'm done with that I grab the glass off the nightstand and head downstairs , I start to do the dishes , Jailene and Jayden will be home soon and I don't want to look so upset when they get off the bus , Usually I would pick them up but I set up a bus for them . They like riding it because they get extra time with there friends . Plus it gives me some time to do shit around the house , Feed the dogs who stay out back , get dinner together and clean up the house some . I enjoy that time but I do miss my children, They are my everything and guess what ? I aint telling Jailene shiiit! That's all on Juliana.   After I finished the dishes Takai walked out in the fit I gave her "MMMmmm damn woman" I say as I walk over to her and around her checking her out "Really Jay?" she giggles "Damn who said you aint All'at?" I asked "Shoot I wish I was all that good looking!" she laughs but I just wink at her letting her know she fine as fuck . I walk over back in the kitchen "You know how to cook like you know how to sell clothes?"    "YESSSS" she says in excitement while coming into the kitchen "Good , I need dinner made , Potato salad , Baked mac&cheese  with ritz crackers but mixed the crackers in flours so they don't sog up , Hot buffalo wings and buttery corn bread. I'll help!" I add   "Hmmm sounds wonderful! Lets start" She says while playfully pushing my hand off her ass .

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