Jailene Young -60

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Juliana ❤️
"Babe you want some?" I go to hand her my drink but she shakes her head no "Can you please talk to me ! You been avoiding me for days now." I say angrily "I cant" star says
All of a sudden the door comes crashing in and bout eight police officers come raiding our place . Two of them grab star and throw her up against the wall placing handcuffs and ankle cuffs on her . Star starts fighting with the officers so the female one punches her dead in her shit "YO YOU CAN'T DO THAT !" I scream as I'm being grabbed out of our place in handcuffs . We are both put into separate cars , The female officer that knodded Star's shit gets in with me while some white cracka gets in with Star. "What am I being arrested for?" I ask "The disappearance of Jailene Young" the woman says writing down something than telling the officer to drive . "What do you mean disappearance my daughter is in the damn hospital in a coma??" I'm so confused. "Someone took Jailene Young between twelve and three pm" she says pulling out her taser "NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP" she yells "you ain't even tell me my rights" I say "SHUT -THE- FUCK -UP ! There happy now" she smiles showing her fake ass teeth .
💫 Star ⭐️
"Bitch fuck you" I spat. "Ohhh please shut the fuck up!" The officer says "your family won't be seeing no more days just know that lil bihh" I laugh as he tases me . After he stops I spit on his face but he puts a bag over my face . "NOW SPIT NIGGER" he yells wiping his face "YOUR FAMILY IS DEAD" I laugh aloud. Once we get to the police station I see the car Juliana is in pull up right next to mine . The stupid cunt pulls her out by her naturally curly brown hair and yanks her inside . "WE GOT OURSELVES A TOUGH ONE!" The officer says taking off the bag, handcuffs and smacking my right cheek "now honey bun don't be spitting" he says putting me in the holding cell . They ain't even do nun but throw my ass up in here . "WHERE MY CALL MY PRINTS MY PICTURES ?" I yell "YOU'LL GET IT WHEN I GIVE IT TO YOU UNTIL THAN SHUT YOUR ASS UP" some female yells "BITCH PLEASE WITHOUT THAT BADGE YOU'RE A BITCH N A HALF" I laugh and so does everyone else in the cell. I turn around and everyone notices a nigga ! "HOLY SHIT IT'S STAR KING ! THE STAR KING!" The girls yell giving me hugs and shit . They like 18 and under what the hell they do "what's up what's up!" I say hugging them back I than notice some young ass kid sitting in a corner crying "what's up wit her?" I look over to the kid "she's in for stealing food" some light skinned stud looks up at me "you look familiar !" I say dabbing her up "Names Jennifer but call me Jen or JL." She says "ahhh ok ok you be coming to all my concerts I see you" I lick my lips and she does the same but way more sexier . I ain't wit that stud on stud shit but I'd eat the pussy from sun up to sundown and come again . Turn her ass straight feminine and take the bitch shopping . Once Juliana gets processed she gets thrown in to . "You good?" She asks me "I'm straight but that cock sucka gonna die" I say "I feel you" Juliana and JL say in unison.


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