I love you Jayden...

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Phone call : Me: Hello?

nurse: Hello ma'am this is nurse Diane , I was just talking with Takai about the baby she delivered and I found out she was raped. she refuses to hold the child and doesn't want anything to do with her. I was wondering If you can come in and talk to her.

me: Yeah I guess I can , I will be there in fifteen minutes ...

I put on my black timb boots and grab my black ralph lauren jacket than head to my car and start driving.

(15 minutes later)

I finally get to the hospital and head to Takai's room. I see her on the bed laying there crying , "What's up?" I sit down in the chair aside from her bed "I I'm sorry" Takai cries "I really am sorry I really want to be with you , I love you Jayden I can't be without you" she continues to cry but I swear my heart is numb. Everything she is saying is going in one ear and out the next "Do you even hear me Jay? Do you even care anymore?" she continues to say shit but my ears start ringing , I think she is yelling now but I get up from the chair and walk into the bathroom. I look in the mirror but I can't see or hear anything than next thing I know I faint......


"Jay? Jay get up!" I shake her and her eyes finally open , she sits up and pushes me off of her "Man i'm fine now move it!" "Jayden stop being mean to me , Please I love you" I kiss her lips.

The Life Of Jayden-2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now