Starbucks Coffee Shop

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Jayden 9:58am - Starbucks coffee shop

"Hi can I take your order?" A young girl asks me "yes can I get a pumpkin chip cookie and a pumpkin spice iced latte large please with whipped cream and caramel drizzle, thank you" I hand her a $20 bill than sit down at the table with my receipt. Once my number is called I grab my change putting it in the tip jar than I take my latte and cookie. Sitting back down I see Blue heading in, By the time she gets over to the sitting area a feminine woman starts speaking to her. "Well hello gorgeous you have beautiful eyes what's your name?" She smiles  "Thank you and my name is Blue" Blue doesn't sound interested one bit "That's very pretty" the girl smiles again. "My name is Queena Richardson" she goes to shake Blue's hand but Blue leaves her hanging "Can you leave me alone please I'm trying to order" Blue moves forward a bit but the woman doesn't stop "I'm a very pretty woman and you're just going to turn me down" she sucks her teeth "look, the first thing you noticed were my blue eyes, you don't know me. Just because I have blue eyes and I'm black doesn't mean I'm a good person, doesn't mean harass my ass, doesn't mean I'm single either so damn leave me alone" Blue is pissed at this point so I get up and head over there "Well I'm sorry, tell me about yourself" the woman goes to touch her dreads but I step in between them "Excuse you!" I say with an annoyed voice "She said leave her alone what part of that do you not get GOODBYE!" I wave the woman off.

Question: Do you think Blue is going to think Jayden was "protective and jealous"
2. Do you think Jayden was just being a good friend?

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