Breathe ... 💦-54

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( Jayden )
As I search for a mirror I feel a sharp pain my side and a tingling in my ear . "Arghh" an agonizing pain causes me to fall over , Takai grabs me and helps me up "you need to stay in bed" she says than she says something else but I can't hear .... My eye is pretty fucked up too . Once in bed Takai kisses my forehead than goes to walk away but I pull her back over by me "time?" I say "1:20p" she smiles "OKAY" I sit up on the edge of the bed and start kissing Takai , she kisses back . Pulling her into me than laying back she climbs on top! We start kissing and sucking on each other's bodies , She smells so good , like cocoa butter and shea butter mmmmm ! I love it 😍 I place my hand on her ass and squeeze it than smack it . She yelps as I pull her into my kiss . I than trade places as I get on top and roughly suck on her neck "lil aggressive ass" she laughs I pull her wife beater off than her sports bra revealing her fine tits . As I suck on the left one I toy with the Right one , her eyes start rolling as I nip her nipple than suck it harder "mmm papi shiiit" I nip it again making her back arch . I switch nipples showing love to the right one as my free hand travels down her body , My hand stops right on her jeans , I run on her inner thigh as she moans , Getting up and taking her jeans off her body gets tense "Jay" she says trying to push me off her "hmm?" I move my hand and pull her into kiss me "what's wrong?" Pushing her back and going back to kissing after a few minutes. she has Ralph Lauren boxers on hmm my favorite. I kiss her cheek as my hand explores between her legs , rubbing on her clitoris, I go to pull her boxers off but she grabs my wrist "I'm not ...." my ears start ringing what did she say ?? "I'm not.." what ? "What?" I say shaking my head lightly "I'm not ready!" She pushes me off her "Come here" I pull her closer to me but she yanks her hand than pushes me down "Come on" I say getting annoyed "I thought you liked it" she says "I want to please you" I go to sit up but she gets on top stopping me from moving , Takai starts removing my clothes revealing my bruised body . I don't want to do this ... stop please . I'm stuck , I can't talk ... I just lay there as she kisses my body , I watch her dominate hand hold her weight up as her other hand travels to my wet spot "sss..." is all I get out ! "You ok?" She asks but I just look at her. Her fingers flicker my clitoris , growing intense I feel my body start to shake and shiver , Takai sits up and takes the last piece of clothing off me boxers I feel nervous and I don't know why , than she goes down on me .

( 15 minutes later)
( Takai )
Jayden's light moans escape her mouth as she grasps the cream and red chevron sheets , I feel her about to explode in my mouth as I speed up my tongue on her clitoris , I can tell she likes it she's moaning , shaking , pulling the sheets trying to contain herself . I push her legs open devouring her sweet pussy and licking that clit once she explodes I come up and tongue kiss her , we start fighting over dominance and of course I win . "Hold on bae" I get up and head to the bathroom , after a minute I come back out and get on top of her , Placing my two fingers at her opening I slide slowly inside "hmmm mmm" she moans throwing her head back. I finger her wetness "ohhh shiiiit" she moans out "mmm baby" Jayden grabs the sheet tighter "does it hurt?" I ask I can feel the tightness around my fingers "a a li little" she groans. I lay my body on top of hers making sure not to put to much weight on her as I use one hand to cover her mouth , I use my other hand and rub the strap from her clitoris to her opening than back up. I than go back to her opening , Jay tries to get out of my hold but I know she's ok . It's just the fear ... "hmmm hmmm" she groans "babe stop" I position myself as I slowly grind my hips and push my hips into her . "Ahhh hmmm" she groans under my hand. I lift my body up from hers and grab her arms pinning them above her head . I'm only tip deep "stop" she says "Just relax" I push inside of her slowly . "ARGHH OOUCH" I see tears forming in her eyes but the pain won't last long . Once again jay starts trying to get out of my grip. "Fuuuck shiiit hmmm" she scratches my back as she tries to push me off of her "ouch stop" she growls "bae relax" I pull out and there's blood , I reach over her and grab a cloth cleaning it off my strap than putting the cloth back , Jayden tries to get up but I dominate her "bae stop" she pushes me but I don't even move "Remember when I first strapped you?" I ask "yeah but that shit is bigger" she says "let me make love to you" I say as I push her down, she's not that strong right now ! I start kissing on her neck distracting her from the strap . Once she's not paying attention I guide myself with my hips inside the right area . I pin her arms with one hand and cover her mouth with the other as I push all 7 inches inside. Her eyes shut tight as she tries to move but fail , I can see the tears coming down her eyes , I kiss her cheek than whisper in her ear "breathe"

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