Kaiden Or You?-86

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"SOOO YOU WANNA TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOIN WITH JULIANA AFTER FIVE FUCKIN YEARS?'" I yell as soon as jay enters the house "Can you chill out and let me t.." I cut her off with a smack to the face "SEE THAT BITCH AGAIN AND I WILL FUCK YOU UP I WILL FUCK HER UP AND THAN I WILL BRING MY OWN ASS TO THE POLICE STATION" I yell "Where is Kai?" jay asks completely ignoring what I just said "OHH YOU THINK I'M JOKIN HUH DO YOU?" I grab her by the neck and push her into the wall "Let me go" she says as I tighten my grip , I dominate her at this point and she starts fighting me "I AIN'T FUCKIN PLAYIN" I let her go and she falls to the floor coughing and gasping for air "WHAT THE HELL TAKAI" she says getting up and sitting on the couch "YOU NOT GONNA CHEAT ON ME" I yell again but even louder "Stop yelling" Jay says coughing "FUCK YOU" I say as I head upstairs leaving Jayden on the couch. I check on kaiden who is still asleep , I drowned out my yelling with the fan , so that's why he is still asleep or he would be screaming his head off . After checking on him I check my phone and I got a text message from the same 347 number that I saved under *stalker* 

stalker- See you soon gorgeous 

stalker- Can't wait to see you 


stalker- goodbye 

That shit is just weird and un called for...

                                 ( K.L) HOURS LATER

                                                 I text Takai , As a warning but she still doesn't get who it is . I can't wait to surprise her this afternoon at work ! She is going to be so nervous. I put on my black George shirt and my black and white striped George joggers than my red and black champion shoes , a red snapback with the letter K on it and a diamond necklace , stud earrings and my diamond pinky ring. I head out into my green Acura pulling off into the busy roads on my way to Takai's job "I miss that sweet little bitch" I smile in the mirror , Pulling up at Tj Maxx I feel great and ready to go fuck with Takai. I grab my wallet and keys than head inside , I see Takai in the men's clothing aisle so I make my way towards her , grabbing her arm  "Either you follow me or I shoot you right here right now" I poke her with my gun "o o okay" she stutters as I drag her into the back of the workplace making sure no one is watching "You remember me baby?" I remove my hat "K.L?" she asks surprised "In the flesh baby" I laugh "I don't want any problems please I have a son" she begs "I just want you back baby" I say as I feel on her booty , I can tell she is uncomfortable "Meet me at my house at 10pm and if you fail I will have someone kill Kaiden" I say shocking her "H how do you know?" she asks "Don't worry about it baby"I kiss her soft lips than put my hands in her boxers feeling her clitoris , she wiggles trying to move from me but I warn her "Kaiden or you?" I say as I stick two fingers in her pussy causing her to squirm "Mmm so tight" I pull my fingers out licking them "See you at ten" I leave.

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