This Is Not A Dream ! -61

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Sorry for a late update - had a family emergency !
       ( Jailene )
My mom , Jayden Jr and Takai are here with me . I missed them a lot I'm happy to hear their voices it makes me feel so much better . I feel light in my eyes again , I think mama opened the curtains , I feel the warm sun on my skin . I feel the warm sun on my skin I've never felt that before am I going back today ? Do I get to see my family again ? I feel my toes moving but are they really moving ? Are my toes moving mama?  "JAILENE?" I hear My mama Jayden call out. "DOC SHE'S WIGGLING HER TOES" mama yells . I smile "she's smiling mama" Jayden Jr says  "oh my gosh my baby!" Jayden says . I feel relieved ! I'm finally coming back to my mama , I'm finally able to see them again . I try to talk but my mouth just opens than closes , Mama grabs my hand . Her hand is warm , I feel her nervousness and anxiousness "mama" I whisper "yes baby , yes it's me ! I'm here!" I can tell she is crying I hear it in her voice I just know that those are happy tears . She is happy I'm here I'm alive I'm breathing I'm talking I'm moving "Junior" I call to my brother . He grabs my other hand and I give him a gentle squeeze "I love you" my mama and brother both whisper in my ears than kiss my cheeks . The doctor steps in with the nurse , they shine a bright light in my eyes forcing me to close them tightly . I can see now ! "Mama" I call out "mama" I call out again ..... "hold on baby the doctor is helping you" she cries "I'm scared" I say as the doctor sets the bed up , I'm now sitting up, my eyes glued to my mother . My mother's eyes glued to me she mouths I love you my brave child I smile at her as the doctors poke and stick me everywhere making sure all my feeling is there . I now know that this is not a dream it is reality

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