K.L or Jayden -68

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😢 Takai 💔
I finally get to K.L's house and knock on the door , she opens it without asking who it is "what's up? Why you sweating?" She asks "I walked here from Jay's house" I say "WALKED ? why?" She asks "I got kicked out why you think?" I say walking into the house "she saw the texts went off and threw your thick ass out" K.L laughs "it's not funny" I say "it's hilarious to be honest"  "really K.L?"  "Hell yeah like that's so funny my stomach tickles" she laughs "hmmm what if it was you?" I ask "it ain't me that's why it's funny and I wouldn't talk to someone while I'm in a relationship!" K.L says handing me a towel "go shower" she says "thank you I owe you" I say "damn right you do ! $20" she laughs "I got you" I say
       (30 minutes later)
    "Here!" I hand K.L $20 than sit down on the purple recliner chair . "What's up" K.L asks "nothing much just wondering" I say "about?" "Jayden and our children" I say saddened "well let me help take your mind off them" K.L starts rubbing and massaging my shoulders , it feels good but I can't let her do this to me I love Jayden , even though she isn't the same . K.L kisses my cheek as I just sit back and let it happen , I'm paralyzed by her touches I can't stop her , I'm enjoying this much needed massage "Feeling good huh?" She asks "umm yeah but umm can I use your phone ?" I ask "come on babe , forget about Jay right now!" She kisses my neck but I quickly get up and walk towards the door , before I can even open it K.L puts her body between the door and I "you're Not leaving me!" She grabs my wrist and pulls me into her "Let me fuck you" she whispers in my ear , her breathe smells like mint Toothpaste , her body smells of old spice pure sport body wash 🧴 "I I can't" I say pulling away from her "Either you let me or I take advantage of you" she smiles but I don't even smirk "You can't do that!" I start to get upset , "Just let me leave K please" I beg "not until you let me fuck you" she demands "If I let you see my body can I leave?" I ask "no ! Let me put the tip in" she pulls out her DICK??? WTH "What the fuck?" I say as I push her out of my way but she barely moves , K.L grabs me and pushes me into the wall than throws my body on the couch "Your trans bro? Get the fuck off of me I ain't wit that!" I say "Come here baby stop running!" She pins me down "YO GET THE FUCK UP OFF ME" I try to get out of her hold punch her balls stupid ass  wait she's still a bitch sock her jaw ... I try upper cuttin her but she's fast with her hands and grabs my wrist "YO K.L YOU TRIPPIN I DON'T TAKE DICK BRO" I yell "SHUT UP" next thing I know I black out ....

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