My World!! -33

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      ( Jailene) 

  I see my mother lying on this hospital bed with wires on her , She looks dead to me . She is dead to me. She chose Star over her own flesh and blood. I just wanted to tell her something before she actually does die. If she dies "Mom, I hate you. I hate you for choosing Star over me and leaving me ! Everyone always says how they love their mothers and that a mom would do anything for their child. well you are shit, I don't ever want to see you again. Jayden is my mom and Takai is my second mom!" With that being said I got up and left the room. I will live with Jayden from now on , I will have a brother forever and two people who love me . None of them are my blood but they showed more love than my blood.  If my mom does die I am not attending her funeral , She is nothing to me. I know that Jayden is hurt and still has feelings for my mom but she loves us more than she loves my mom. I see it , If she loved my mom more she would be in here crying , Takai wouldn't be with us and we would all fall apart without Jayden. 


      ( Jayden) 

Jailene heads back out with her head held high , She looks kind of sad "What's wrong?" I ask "I hate her! How could she do this to us , To me , to herself. She never loved me or Jayden Jr. She ever only cared for herself." Jailene says "I understand your hurt. You put up with their ( Star and Juliana) shit for years. Until I came and got you and your mom . I see that that hurt will always bother you. It won't go away ever, It will just feel better after time.  She hurt you two more than she hurt me. I love you and your brother more than the world. Jayden and you are my world and I will do anything and everything for yall. Now let's go to this hotel and get some rest" I kiss my kids and head out the hospital. I feel that they need more of my attention than anyone else, Even Takai. We all been through some rough ass shit and I really hope we can come together as a family and enjoy our lives even if Takai isn't around.   "Jayden are you okay?" I ask "Yeah mom im good" Jayden says "Okay, How about you Jailene" "I'm good. Just sleepy and hungry. Can we get pizza?" Jailene says "Yeah sure" I say .  I feel shitty but I'm trying to be positive around my kids, Inside I just want to break down and Kill star. Smack Juliana's dumbass around and than go lay down with mad junk food. Emotional as ever haha. 


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