She Is A Friend

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8am Jayden ❤️

Getting up from bed and stretching, checking my social media and replying back to all the heart eyes and you're sexy under my photos with a simple red heart ♥️, My bio clearly states that I am TAKEN but they still comment shit under my pictures. I check out Blue's Instagram and she posted a photo of us talking about The woman I love💙    "What the fuck!?" I Face palm myself 🤦🏾‍♂️.   "Babe why you up so early?" Takai pulls me back onto her "Blue wants to meet up at the coffee shop" I yawn "Can I come?" Takai gets puppy dog eyes "girl no, fix yo face" I kiss her cheek than get up. "YOU ALWAYS HANGING OUT WIT THAT DAMN GIRL, I KNOW SHE LIKES YOU JAY." Takai yells "So!? We're friends.. her and I are just friends. I know my place, she knows hers.. I would never cheat NEVER!" I catch an attitude "You don't think I know you won't? What if she comes on to you?" Takai asks "Babe don't worry, You know me. That is all that matters" grabbing my toothbrush than applying toothpaste I began to brush my teeth for 2 full minutes, spit out the paste, rinse with water and gargle my peppermint listerine mouth wash than spit it out.  "So why can't I come? Why I can't meet yo lil boo?" Takai rolls her eyes "stop! Seriously! I do not and will not ever cheat"

Takai 💔💙
"Tired of feeling this way, you're playing with me, you're getting back at me for what I did to you and I am sorry! Truly am sorry. Stop hanging out with her" My eyes began to get watery but Jay doesn't seem to care "You cheated on me with king and you expect me to just be okay?" Jay asks "No not at all , but but why d do you have to hang with her?" I ask "SHE IS A FRIEND A FRIEND!" Jay yells "Whatever have fun" I roll my eyes while walking out of the bedroom, heading to Kaiden's room. "Momma breakfast?" He smiles "yes baby what do you want to eat?" I kiss his cheek while picking him up and going to change his diaper also his clothes. "Pancake" he laughs "alright chocolate chip pancakes coming up" I smile.   I dress Kaiden in his white Ralph Lauren t shirt and his black Reebox shorts. "Ma where is unique?" Jailene asks in a panic "I didn't hear her come out your room" I look over the balcony to the living room and she isn't down there either "Did you text her?" I ask Jailene "I did, I called , texted! I have to go!" Jailene runs down the stairs and out the door. "JAY! Jayden" I yell "WHAT?" She comes out the bedroom "Unique isn't here and Jailene just left to go find her." I say in a panic also "Alright ima go!" Jay grabs her coat than heads down the stairs too.

Unique Wallace 💔😭

" mama can I just come home please?" I ask "no Unique, I'm not having that devil in my house

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" mama can I just come home please?" I ask "no Unique, I'm not having that devil in my house. Get you a boyfriend and stop looking at females, stop being around girls if you have too" My mommy says "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" I yell into the phone than throw it , my iPhone smashes in pieces but I can careless. My mother doesn't care about me and Jailene is only 16 I mean she can't deal with me, with all the help I need, all the anger and depression I'm having.
"I HATE YOU!" I scream as tears roll down my face than lights blur into my eyes. "UNIQUE , unique I was looking for you" Jailene hops out her car and runs to me. I stare at her while tears roll down my cheeks.


Jailene: ma I got her ;you can go home

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Jailene: ma I got her ;you can go home. We're heading back now.
Jayden: alright baby girl just lemme know if you need anything. I'm going to the coffee shop
Jailene: alright I love you ma
Jayden: I love you too 😘😘
Jailene 😘😘
Jayden: Takai be back after I see blue
Jayden: love you too 😁🥰😘
Jayden: 🐸☕️💀

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