Star The Rapper - 28

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"Baby what are you doing here?" I ask Star "I thought yo ass would be here!" Star says "Babe you have to go , Jayden will be here soon." I say "I want to talk to her" Star says "Why?"  "Because I do!"     

  ( 5 minutes later)

I hear Jayden pull in to the driveway and I get worried as ever . My legs start shaking and My whole body gets tense , "Whats wrong" star asks "Nun just nervous" I admit "Don't be , Im not gonna hurt you baby" she says "Ohhk" I stutter . Once jayden comes in I get worried . I see Jailene and her eyes are teary , I than look at Jayden and he looks like he had a hard day . "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" Jayden yells stepping towards Star . "Why the fuck you in my crib , Jayden and Jailene go in the room" Jayden says "Jayden I want to talk to you . Juliana let me in . Please I don't want no trouble I just want to talk" Star says "What is it?" Jayden asks "I'm sorry bout everything that's been goin on . Juliana wants to be with me but I don't want her no more . I'm not right fo her . we both know that . I see that she is better off with you . You don't hurt her like I do and I just can't control my anger at times. I'm sorry Juliana , Im sorry Jayden but I ca.." Star gets cut off by Takai coming down the stairs . Jayden turns her attention on Takai "You good babe?" Takai asks "Umm I don't even know right now" Jayden says rubbing her hands together "Who are you?" Takai asks "Star , The rapper" Star says extending her hand but Jayden slaps it down "Don't even" Jayden growls at Star and star nods her head as a sorry "Hmm well I never heard of you but whatever , What are you doing here?" Takai asks "She's my girlfriend" I speak up finally . "Babe its okay !" Jayden says "Waitt Juliana and you aren't together anymore?" Star says looking at us "Nope . We will never be a couple again . I don't got time for the bullshit . Star , Jules .. Ima need yall to leave NOW" jayden says opening the front door for us . _______________________


       ( Star)

" Ight bro . Ight" I say as I take Juliana's hand and walk out of the house "Jayden come on please" Juliana says but Jayden slams the door in her face . "Ohhh my goshh" Juliana cries "Shut up bitch" I smack her than drag her to the car "Get the fuck in" I say as I go to the driver side , Once Juliana is in I pull off wildly "Hope you prepared that ass for this beating" I say "Please Star" Juliana cries "Fuck you bitch" I respond as I pull into Mcdonalds drive thur  "can I take your order?" Some lady says "Yeah let me get a double cheese burger , Large fries , 2 mcchickens with 2 grape sodas and let me get some of them cookies . six of em" I say as I pull up befo the lady can say the total . I hand her a $20 and she literally starts screaming of excitement . She's so damn sexy "OHH MY GOSH ITS STAR , ITS STAR KING ! OH MY GOSHHH" she screams "Girlll" I laugh " Oh my gosh can I get a picture" she says "Yeah mamas let me come in there" I say as I pull my car over and head inside Mcdonalds . Once I do I have like 20 people all over me . The worker cuts through and takes a picture with me , I kiss her cheek and she almost faints "Let me here you sing my song baby girl" I smile  🎶In love with a milli , In love with a billi , in love with a feni , in love with the bennys , in love in love in love with the red bones. Let me get a red bone . Dime piece a want a bad chick My bitch gonna be mad rich🎶. Once she stops singing I literally fall in love with her voice . I hand her my phone "Digits baby , We doin a song together" I say and she kisses my cheek . I can see Juliana bout mad as fuck but I don't give a fuck . Ima redo my last song with this baddie right here .

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