Dumb Bitch !-31

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( Star)

" GET THE FUCK OVER HERE YOU DUMB BITCH" I yell at Juliana "FUCK YOU LEAVE ME ALONE" Juliana yells back . "BITCH I DONT GOT TIME FO YOU" I smack Juliana in the head and she falls , hitting the corner of the countertop in the bathroom "STUPID BITCH" I yell as I pound her face in with my fists . I get tired after a few minutes and Juliana is a bloody mess. Mind you this ain't even my crib. We're at Jayden's crib. Juliana made me car chase her all the way here , We were here arguing and fighting with each other . Juliana has a key so that's how we got in. "Juliana , Juliana JULIANA.." I shake her trying to get her to respond but she isn't moving and I barely feel a pulse "SHIIT" I run out of the house before anyone catches me , I see Jayden and Takai pull up "Fuck" I say . I wait some but Jayden comes back out to the car and than Takai screams "OHH MY GODDDD" I hear , That's when I take off before I get caught "Shit shit shit" I don't know what to do . I mean Jayden will know it's me and she will come for me.. "FUCKK" I start to cry , I didn't mean to Kill her I really didn't .

* Jayden *

I run in the house in a panic , I never heard Takai scream so now I'm more concerned than ever ! "Takai" I say "IN THE BATHROOM" She yells .. I take off up the stairs and oh my fuckin gosh . "Jules , Julie, come on Jules" I say as I lay her down and feel for a pulse , I start doing CPR "IMA FUCKIN KILL THAT DUMB BITCH" I yell "Bae call the ambulance" I say as I continue CPR "Jules" I say as I continue CPR . "They said does she have a pulse" Takai asks "Give me the phone please" "LISTEN HERE , MY EX IS DYING IF YALL DON'T GET YALL DUMB ASSES OVER HERE. MY GIRLFRIEND GAVE YOU THE ADDRESS. DO YOU THINK I WOULD BE FUCKIN CALLING IF I KNEW SHE WASN'T GOING TO FUCKIN MAKE IT ? SHE IS GOOD NOW GET THE FUCK OVER HERE" I throw the phone and lift Jules up. "Julie , baby I need you to open your eyes, squeeze my hand. something" I say as I shake her slightly . "S-st-star" She says than crashes . "FUCK FUCK" I say as I try to get her to respond but nothing is working "Come on jules , you can't die on me" My eyes start to get teary as I don't feel a pulse anymore and I can see the anger in Takai's eyes because I called Jules baby. But I didn't mean nun by it. I swear . "Babe can you see if they outside" I say "Yup" Takai says going down the stairs . My cellphone starts ringing and you can just guess who that is .....

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