Did she just curse ? At Me?-29

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( Jayden )
"why the fuck was that bitch in our house ?" Takai yells "Babe chill , I don't know . I guess Juliana let her in I wasn't here so I don't know" I say "come the fuck on yo ! I better not see neither one of them again" Takai says heading to the bedroom I feel bad that she was in the middle of all this shit but did she really curse and yell at me? Whoa lol ok . "mommy are they gone?" Jailene comes out asking "Yeah y'all can come down !" I say "mama what's for dinner?" Jayden asks "I don't know yet !" I tie my dreads up in a bun than wash my hands "Why would mom go with Star after what happened ?" Jailene asks "I don't know baby ." I say "well I don't want to ever see her again . She doesn't love me if she can choose that dumb broad over me." Jailene says "I know . She will come to the right mind one day . Hopefully!" I say as I sit down and pull my phone out of my pocket . I got a text from Juliana
Juliana : Can we please talk tomorrow . At the coffee shop
Me: Nah
Juliana: please Jay ...
Me: come here tomorrow and talk. I'm not going nowhere wit ya !
Juliana : ok
I check my Facebook and see that my brother uploaded some pictures of us and my mom . I decided to comment
Let's all get together next week . R.i.p mommy I miss and love you so much 😍❤️😘😩💔
🤳🏽Jailene 👧🏽
"Selfie time" I put my iPhone 7 on camera and take a few pictures with Jayden Jr. I wish I could have Instagram but mom says not until I'm 15 . That'll be forever like I'm only 9 .
But anyways I can't believe my secret is out . Sooo crazy 😜! I really like this girl in 6 th grade . She's a girly girly and she's 11 . Her name is Aliah . She's tall, Italian and African . Her fave subject is English writing and Spanish . She has olive green eyes and a very cute face . Her lips are so kissable hehe 🙃 I wish I could date her but I'm so nervous to even talk to her . I always see her during lunch and than sometimes she is in art class with me . I always catch myself staring at her ....
One day I will let her know I like her ... A lot ...

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