Saint Mary's Hospital

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Tauvi Adamson
Text messages
Me: mom when are coming home?
Mom: Tomorrow morning I should be there how's my grandbaby?
Me: he's fine 😉
Me: 3 attachments sent
Mom: awwww look at my Tauvi Jr. 😘😘😘
Me: hahaha isn't he handsome
Mom: sure is 😉 I'll call you soon I'm in the hospital with Reece
Me: she okay?
Mom: she's good we're with Bri and the kids, they're just being checked
Me: okay talk to you soon 😘
Jayden King

*incoming call*
"Hello?" I answer the phone after the 3rd ring
"Hello I'm looking for Jayden King"
"This is who is this?"
"This is Doctor P. From the saint marys hospital. I found your number in Juliana Young's phone. I was wondering if you can come in so We (nurse and I) can speak with you."
"yes I'm on my way!" I hang up grab my coat from the closet than head out "babe where you going?" Takai asks "Juliana's in the hospital, the doc called" I say "K" Takai walks away. At this point she can do whatever she wants i don't give a shit anymore.

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