Tragedy Strikes...💔

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10:25am - Blue
"Didn't know you liked pumpkin, what else do you like?" I ask Jayden "Only pumpkin and vanilla bean haha" she giggles "same here, plus caramel and mocha" I smile "Ohh yeah those also. Caramel macchiato is a hit!" Jayden smiles showing off her straight white teeth "I missed you Jay , hows the kids and yourself?" I ask "We're all doing good. My son wants a sibling, like a blood sibling, same donor" Jay sighs "what do you think of it?" I take a bite of my chocolate chip muffin "I mean I do want another full blooded child but with Takai? Nah" jay shakes her head "I understand" I was going to tell jay she has me but she hasn't even shown interest in me like that. So I don't know what to say or do.  "I like you Blue" Jay smirks "don't play with my emotions" I blush "I'm serious, I really do like you!" Jayden smiles "Hmm".   "What? You don't believe me?" Jayden looks at me "I do" I shyly look away "look at me, Do you believe me?" Jayden leans over and kisses my cheek. I almost lost myself.....
Takai 12pm
Me: Baby where are you? 12:00pm
Jayden: Wit Blue still. I told u babe 12:00pm
Me: it's 12, come home 🙄 12:00pm
Jayden: I'll be home soon damn 12:01pm
Me: NOW!!!! 12:01pm
Jayden: 🙄 STFU Takai 12:03pm
Me: You STFU TF 😢🖕🏽12:03pm
Jayden: babe I'm otw geesh 12:04pm
Me: Yayyyyy 💜😊12:04pm
Jayden: 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾12:04pm
Me: come do it than 🤤 12:04pm
   Juliana Young 💔
"Babe lets make this work please" I say into the phone "How Julie? HOW?" Milah sighs "We can go to marriage therapy or whatever it's called please baby?" I beg "I'm not going, I wasn't the one who left my child and wife, you are and I do not want you! Not one part of you now good bye!" Milah hangs up in my face. Not even bothering to call back usual Milah....
"She doesn't love me anymore" I cry aloud "She hates me!" My crying turns to laughter than I get up from the couch and decide to go out, enjoy my free life "I don't need that bitch!" I smile in my rear view mirror "Nor kids"
Turning up my radio loudly I start flipping the stations to see what's on, While trying to look at the rode all at the same time. Someone beeps at me but before I even see what's going on the car flips....

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