Greedy&Hungry prt1-65

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Back To School - Jayden Jr
"Yo Tony what's up man?" I dap him up than open my locker "none much man ! I just spent my whole allowance on baby stuff bro, my mama said she gonna get me a jobs with my uncle" he says "That's what's up I wish I had a job but what can my young ass do but go to school and sit at home! Wish my mama was the same man , she ain't the same since Star and her niggas got on my mama ass" I say while walking to the lunch room for breakfast "man yo mama will come round give her some time. Duchan can give you a job bro but you got to put your all into it !" Tony says "HEYY BABY" Samantha wobbles over to him and hugs him "what's up babe" tony kisses her cheek and belly "what's up wit my youngin?" He asks "nothing much I find out the gender today you coming?" She asks "hell Yeah I'm coming you know I got to support my son in showing his lil dick to the world" we all laugh "Hey , Can Jay Come?" Tony asks "yes ! You want to come Jay?" Samantha asks me "sure ! I wouldn't mind" I say as we head into the lunchroom grabbing our food and having a seat . I grab Samantha some extra crackers and cookies and so does Tony. Some pregnant people eat a lot while others don't eat shit !  "Baby can I have your juice?" Samantha whines "it's empty" he laughs "here" I give her my unopened juice "good looking bro" Tony gets up to grab some more juices "it's going to cost you" the lady says "my mama paid already!" He says "no she didn't we didn't get her payment"  I get up and grab some juice , "get some Tony" I say    We sit back down and I open a juice drinking it real fast . "YOU BETTER PAY" she yells "I GOT COVERAGE STOOOPID" we all laugh "Yo Jay you reckless boy" Jalil laughs "what's up man?" I dap him up

( Duchan's house )
Duchan and I been friends since 2nd grade , he's 16 now and got a son who's 3 . His name is Duchan Jr. He's a happy lil youngin and he's cool people , his pops grows and sells his own shit . He got all types of weed , cocaine , and Jelly (mixed drugs) It's fast money and I said I would never do it but I need money and I need it quick . "So you wanna be on the team I hear" Duchan says picking up his son "yeah man I need the money and something to do !" I honestly speak "You think I should approve this youngin?" He asks Jr "yeah pops he certified" Duchan Jr says. "Ight Jay but you got to be able to serve , deliver and be steady on your feet . You got to be hungry , quick , and ready !" Duchan says handing me a pack "go head now" he says than walks into another room . I stuff the bag into my book bag and walk out of the house , man I got to be quick out here . The streets are hot and dangerous ! Especially in fall cuz all them niggas greedy and hungry !

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