Jay Is Moving On

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Takai 😢

For the past two weeks I've been doing nothing but crying, every night when everyone is asleep I find myself sitting in the shower crying until I can't anymore. Jay is moving on, Blue got what she wants and I'm just here... wishing that I could have jay to myself again but Takai fucked it up yeah myself... I fucked it all up... I cheated... Now I'm here and I'm upset and wanting someone who is slowly but surely falling out of love with me every single day every moment, second, minute and hour. I am losing Jayden to some bitch with Blue eyes...
Me: Babe when are you gonna be home I want to talk to you? 6:00pm
Me: Babe I'm serious! It's important 6:30pm
Me: Jayden really? Why are you ignoring me?6:34pm
Jayden: That's fine love 😊 6:42pm
Me: ur an asshole bro 6:42pm
Jayden: Whatever.. 6:44pm
Jayden 💔

"Do you know when she will have her xrays?" I ask the nurse "No ma'am I do not but let me find out for you" the lady smiles than walks away. A few minutes pass as I just stare at Juliana, wishing she would wake up, hoping that she is okay. "Did anyone contact her wife?" I ask the nurse when she comes back "We did but no one answered. It says the phone is disconnected. We are going to bring her to her X-rays now" The nurse smiles "Okay thank you" I smile back than pick up Juliana's phone Nd check her text messages And last calls, I dial Milah's number but the phone is disconnected "wow!" I shake my head.
Incoming call from Blue💙
Me: what's up?
Blue: You okay? I've been texting you
Me: yeah! I'm in the hospital, my ex got in an accident
Blue: is she okay? Were you wit her?
Me: naw they called me cuz I'm an emergency contact. She's in X-ray right now so yeah.
Blue: alright jay, umm well I'll let you be. Call me if you need anything.
Me: actually babes... can you go to this address for me and drag her wife here.
Blue: haha okay.. text me the address
Me: alright babe! Talk to you later
I text the address to Blue soon after they bring Juliana back. "How is she?" I ask "well she's going to need surgery to repair her wrist and everything else seems fine. She's just out of it But she will be okay. "What about her head?" I ask concerned "Well she hit her head pretty hard I'll have someone come look at it" the nurse quickly walks away and I look at the direction she is walking when someone comes in with a child, the child has a knife in their head "what the holy heaven and hell" I gasp.

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