The Lady Named Sasha ....

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Juliana 🤗
"I'm being blamed for the disappearance of my daughter" I say into the phone. "The disappearance of Jailene ? But I'm with Jai.." the phone clicks bitch ass police .....
What the fuck is going on man ? I'm sitting in a damn police station behind bars with 12 other women including Star. I only been able to make one phone call and the shit clicks on me "YO CAN I MAKE A FUCKIN CALL?" Star yells "Go Ahead !" The officer says "Thanks" Star says walking over to the phone .
Star: bruh I'm locked up ! Ain't no one telling me shit , come down here and see if you can get me out. Star: Ight bro one ☝🏾

Once she hangs up the phone I walk over to her "Babe we need to get out of here ! Jayden was going to tell me something but the phone clicked" I whisper in her ear "What the holy shit - we gonna be out soon trust that!" Star says taking a seat and laying back on it who the fuck relaxes in jail ? Of course a damn celebrity who got money to get the fuck out ...I can't wait until it's my turn to get the fuck out in all honesty!!!
Jayden King 💍
     My ears start ringing as Jailene is talking to me . I feel like shit because there is nothing I can do about it. Takai comes over making sure I'm okay but all of a sudden I fall to the ground and start shaking uncontrollably . Takai's voice fades in and out as I come to , regaining focus I see a few nurses and doctor looking down at me "We are going to help you up" the lady named Sasha says . Rachel and Sasha help me up while Derek supports the wheelchair for me to sit in , "Are you okay?" Takai asks looking concerned as ever. My brown eyes just stare into hers than all I remember is my eyes going to the back of my head .....

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