The Answer

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Takai 💔 (6pm)
"Do you love me anymore ?" I ask Jayden "Yes I love you" Jay says while stirring the rice and beans "So why don't you kiss me or touch me anymore?" I ask "Takai I don't wanna talk about this anymore" Jay says "Well I do so why have you become distant?" "She raped you again?" Jay asks catching me off guard "Where is this c.." I get cut off "DID SHE RAPE YOU AGAIN?" Jay yells "Yes okay she did !" I stand up and go to walk away but Jay grabs me "When?" She asks "I don't know exactly the date but some weeks ago damn Jay let me go" I yank my hand away "Are you?" She asks "Am I what?" I raise a brow "Are you pregnant Takai?" "What? Pregnant? She can't ! Wait what?" I scratch my head "SHE CAN AND SHE PROBABLY DID!" Jay rolls her eyes "Well I I didn't know" I sit back down and think "Ima buy you a test!" Jay says while placing the chicken in the oil "Jay I I can't be pregnant! He's only turning seven months" I say "People can get pregnant  after giving birth so it's possible" Jay says "I don't want it okay I'm not having her fuckin baby" I start to cry and Jayden just gives me a cold stare "WHAT?" I yell "Let's go!" She says grabbing her keys and turning the stove top off. "What about the oven?" I ask "we'll be back in time". We walk out to the car and I get in the passenger seat. Jayden looks at me than starts the car, tears are running down my face and I can't control it I can't believe this is happening to me "Hellooo" Jayden smacks my thigh "huh?" I wipe my face "I said let's go" Jay says "oh my bad" I get out the car and walk in Walmart with Jayden. We go to the aisle with medicine and test and she grabs the dollar pregnancy test than we go to the bathroom "here" she hands me the test strip "Um can I have some pri.." she cuts me off "Do it Takai!" She speaks loudly "Ight Ight" I take the wrapper off and pull my pants down than pee on the stick , wipe myself and set the test on the counter while washing my hands. "Welp there's the answer!" Jay says than walks out and I look at it than throw it in the trash "Jay?" I call out as soon as I open the door "JAYDEN!" I say louder "WHAT MAN?" I see tears in her eyes which makes me even more sad than I already am

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