In Hell 🔥

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Takai-can I meet you?"
K.L "In hell"
Takai-"I'm serious"
K.L"Bitch you know where"
I hang up the phone and take off down the road in my black Escalade , Kaiden is screaming in the back seat "SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!!" I yell
Incoming call riiiing
Me: who's this?
Caller: It's jay , Takai gave me your number where are you?
Me: in hell
Caller: don't fuck wit me K.L you have my son
Me: I DONT GIVE A FUCK ! If this nigga don't shut up ima shoot him
Caller: he's hungry K.L he needs his bottle
Me: meet me at 34 raven road give me his stuff . Try anything dumb and I will kill him
Caller: on my way now
Jayden ❤️
I pull up at the address given and I watch every car coming in , A black Escalade catches my attention and it parks right next to me the window comes down and I see K.L , I hear my son crying . K.L has a gun trained on me "here!" I say handing her a small bag with his bottle , diaper , wipes and a can of formula in it. "Please don't hurt him!" I say "leave now , and if you say you met me here I will kill him. Tell your fiancé I want her to meet me she knows where and if she refuses to come he dies and Jayden Jr does too , ohhh and for your precious baby girl Jailene I will sell her pretty lil dyke ass , become the first billionaire in this bitch hahaha" K.L laughs which causes me to get angry "I'll have her meet you!" I say as I take off "hey Siri call Takai" I say   "Calling Takai" Siri says
Takai: b bae are you ok?
Takai: just let me meet her please
Me: I said where the fuck is she going , matter of fact I'm coming to get your ass
Takai: she will kill him just let me go
I Hang up the phone while speeding I'm so pissed off . I'm telling you ima be in jail tonight I swear fo life 👏🏾 "GET OUT THE WAY!!" I yell at some old ass lady as I swerve cuttin her off.
                              Takai 😔
     Jayden pulls up outside and I get in the car "I'm sorry!" I say but Jayden shoots me a death glare that shuts me up "what's the address?" She asks "It's the lake house" I wipe my face with a napkin "TALK" she yells "w what?" I say confused "I SAID FUCKIN TALK !" She yells again but I just stare at the floor "IF I DIDN'T LOVE YOU I WOULD FUCK YOU UP SO BAD RIGHT NOW" jay yells causing me to cry even more . "I know I fucked up b but I I didn't want this to happen I promise you that"   "Trust and believe Takai ima be in jail by the end of this day and I might not ever get out"   "Babe maybe we should let the cops handle it!" I suggest "cops? The same mufuckas who shoot us folks everyday for nothing ? The same mufuckas who give white folks a high five and a warning but hand black people ten bullets to the back and tell the news I feared for my life GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE COPS MY ASS I CAN HANDLE THIS!" Jay yells.

    We pull up at the lake house and I see K.L's black Escalade "ima go in!" I say as I pull my cellphone out and call Jay's "mute it" I say as I get out slipping the phone into my pocket. I walk up the short driveway and knock on the door "K it's me" I say as tears roll down my face  "Where is Jayden?" She asks "she's not here babe ! Please" I say as I walk in closing the door behind me "I love you Takai" K.L says "I love you too" I lie. "Come!" She says leading me up the wooden stairs into a bedroom where I see Kaiden laying on the bed "clean him up!" She says "K.L you can let us go , I promise you I won't tell anyone where you were"   "It's not that simple!"  "K.L I just want to take my son home , he needs his parents" I say "WE ARE HIS FUCKIN PARENTS!!!" She yells   "Alright babe alright I'm sorry , you're right he needs us okay ,  I'll leave Jayden okay I will leave her and it'll just be us , you me and Kaiden" I say as I pick him up and look into his eyes . "I want Jailene"  "J Jailene? Why?" I ask "that's money" she says " I can't K I can't do that to Jayden or Jailene"   "Fine!" K.L points the gun at my head and starts speaking fast as fuck I don't catch a word she says other than I belong to her, next thing I know I hear the downstairs door bust open "POLICE" they yell as one kicks in the door we're in , K.L turns around with the gun now pointing it at the officer , Jayden comes in behind the officer "Go to the car!" She growls at me and I do.
      Jayden 💨😤

  I stare K.L down as she holds the gun at the officers , she looks scared shit less and to be honest I want to laugh at her fear I want to slice her up piece by piece "K.L put the gun down and walk out with us" the female officer says "Jayden come with us!" One officer tries to take a hold of me but I push her greasy hands off of me "I called y'all to find my son and y'all failed at that shit but that doesn't surprise me" I roll my eyes as I turn around "listen K.L let's do this easy way no one wants to shoot you!" The officer says. "FUCK THIS SHIT!" I say as I grab his gun and pull the trigger twice.

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