No party like a hood party (Calum)

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Plot: You’re Mali’s best friends (and the same age as calum) and you’re having a sleepover with her and you get hungry in the middle of the night and go down stairs to get food and calum is there with luke and you hear them talking about you

This is two parts put together 

Imagine: You and Mali have been best friends ever since you could remember so sleepovers were normal you had a funny feeling but shrugged it off. After all how could you not enjoy partying with your best friend. All of a sudden you guys heard Calum and luke walk in which was normal but you had a funny feeling again and continued to shrug it off. They stayed with the two of you considering how close the four of you had always been eventually they left to do who knows what. You looked over at Mali who was asleep and your stomach then gave the loudest growl possible. You started walking down the stairs when you heard your name and leaned closer so you could hear. “Y/N’s so cute” Calum said and started daydreaming a bit Luke laughed “dude you’ve had a crush on her forever tell her already. “yeah yeah I will when I’m ready” Luke rolled his eyes and they went back to Calum’s room.Later that day Mali had to go into work so it was just you Calum and Luke. You all decided to order a pizza and watch movies. After one movie Luke left you and Calum stayed sitting next to each other watching movies when you slightly started to fall asleep on him and him on you. Calum woke up before you and admired how you slept. we’ll ignore how creepy that sounds. “wanna do something” he asked “sure but what” “how about skating” “ok” you smiled. “Calum” “yeah” “I don’t know how to skate” “me either” you both laughed. When y’all finally got the skates on the two of you used each other for support.He picked up on it easy “I thought you said you never skated before” you smirked at him “I haven’t I swear” he said the shock obvious in his voice. You laughed and fell..or so you thought when he grabbed your waist to keep you from falling. The two of you leaned in and kissed and ended up falling on each other. He was then able to teach you how to skate without falling for the most part. “I had a lot of fun” you smiled. “yeah me to” you two leaned in to kiss before a door opened. “when were you guys going to tell me you were finally together” Mali asked. You both blushed and looked away “wait so did everybody know but us” you asked processing what she had said. “yeah pretty much”  

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