He confesses his feelings for you

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You and Ashton met on the set of She looks so perfect. After that you became good friends. Ashton was back in town for a few days and invited you to a little park. You were really excited to see him again. Ashton was really nervous about telling you how he felt. What seemed like hours later you finally made it to the park. "ASHTON" "Y/N" you both ran to each other dramatically and laughed. It felt so good to be in his embrace again. "What's with the basket?" "It's called a picnic you know in movies where they set out food and eat it together?" You both laughed and set up the picnic. You caught back up and enjoyed the food. Ashton sighed "I know we haven't known each other for a while. And this may be awkward but it's a risk I'm willing to take. Y/N, I like you a lot." You smiled "I like you a lot, Ash." Ashton sighed in relief "strawberry?" You nodded he threw it at your mouth and you caught it. "I cannot believe that actually worked" Ashton said in amazement. You threw one at his mouth and watched as he desperately tried to get it. "I am the strawberry queen" you cheered causing both of you to laugh. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.


You and the guys were playing truth or dare. After a few minutes Michael sighed "let's make this interesting." A couple of alcoholic drinks later and it was a lot more interesting. A while back the guys made a deal they wouldn't mention crushes so there wouldn't be any drama between the band. Unfortunately that rule would be forgotten soon. A few rounds later and it was going to get more interesting that it should have. "Calum truth or dare?" Michael asked with a mischievous look. Calum wanted to make Michael regret looking at him like that "dare" "I dare you to tell Y/N how you feel about her." Calum wanted to prove he could handle a dare. He whispered "I'm sorry" to you and kissed you roughly. "Don't be I liked it" you whispered back. After you were both sober Calum confessed his feelings. A few days later you and Calum made your relationship official.


You and Luke had been best friends for years. Luke always had a crush on you, but figured you were out of his league. One day you and Luke were hanging out. Suddenly your chest started hurting and you couldn't breath. Luke called an ambulance and held your hand, until the ambulance got there. They did several tests to see what it was. Meanwhile Luke was a nervous wreck. Finally a nurse told him he could go see you. Luke walked nervously down the hall and into your room. When he walked in he immediately hugged you, you hugged him back as right as you could. "Y/N, this made me realize just how short life is. And I know this may make it awkward between us, but I can't keep it in. I love you." It got quiet for a while and Luke became even more nervous. You told him to come closer and kissed him. He was shocked at first but kissed back. You were able to leave the hospital that day with your boyfriend.


You and Michael have had a love-hate relationship ever since you could remember. "Hey loser come play video games with me" you rolled your eyes and smiled at the text Michael had just sent you. You went to Michael's house and noticed he changed his hair again. "You do realize when you lose your hair you won't be able to get it back right?" Michael mocked what you said making you laugh. "Stop drooling over me and let's play the game." You followed Michael "Oh please I wouldn't drool over you if you were the last guy on earth" which was a complete lie but he didn't need to know that. Michael sat down and smirked at you causing both of you to make eye contact for a minute. Several hours later you were destroying Michael "YOU CHEATED!!" Michael yelled even though you were sitting next to each other. You looked at him "and how could I have done that" you batted your eyelashes. You made eye contact again lasting longer than last time. "Y/N, I like you" "shut up and kiss me, fool." Your lips finally crashed together after years of waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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