You cheer him up

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You were anxiously waiting backstage to surprise Ashton. The guys walked in and greeted you all except Ashton. He sat on the couch away from everyone you sat next to him “Ash, are you ok?” He nodded and buried his face in his hands, you sighed and decided he’d talk when he was ready. You started talking with the guys to see if they knew what was wrong with him, but nobody knew. An hour later you went to check on Ashton in his bunk. “Ashton come on you’ve been ignoring everyone what’s wrong?” He sighed “I was off on my drumming tonight” “Babe, it’s ok.” He started absentmindedly playing with your fingers “No it’s not, the one night you come to visit I play badly.” “So I can visit again.” “Or I could do a private show for you.” He smirked “Ooo I’m special.” He kissed your head and smiled “Yea, you are.” 


Calum was normally a morning person. When you looked at the clock and seen it was one in the afternoon you got a little worried. You went to check on him when you seen him under the covers. Lifting the covers slightly you laid next to him “Boo” he smiled a little. “What’s wrong?” You asked hoping he wouldn’t shut you out. “I don’t know I’m just really tired” “That’s normal considering how much touring you’ve done lately.” He laid his head on you “You make a good pillow.” You laughed “My life dream has always been to be a good pillow” he laughed “Thank you, Y/N” you smiled “you’re welcome.” You ran your fingers through his hair. A few minutes later you heard light snoring you rolled your eyes and decided to take a nap, too. Well that was all you could do with him asleep on you, not that you minded.


Luke didn’t get upset often so when you heard the door slam you jumped a little. He sat next to you an laid his head on your shoulder “Are you ok?” “I’ve had a long day.” “What happened?” “The strings on my guitar broke and I couldn’t hit any of the high notes.” “It’s one bad day tomorrow will be better.” “What if it’s not what if this is the end of my career and the guys find a new lead singer?” “Luke they’re your best friends they would never do that to you. They’ll understand it’s just a bad day.” “I love you, Y/N” you smiled “I love you too, Luke.”


It was easy to tell when Michael was upset because he wouldn’t play video games. Instead he would just hide from everybody including you. You walked into the bedroom where he was wrapped in the covers so he couldn’t be seen. You sighed knowing it was something big that was bothering him. You somehow managed to get inside the cocoon Michael had made for himself. Michael laughed as he watched you struggle to get in. He finally helped you in. “Are you going to tell me why you’re being a drama queen now?” You smirked as he playfully rolled his eyes and sighed “What if the fans don’t like me years from now?” You started playing with his hair “That’ll never happen, babe, the fans love you.” “How do you know they’ll still like me?” “You still like all of your favorite band members right?” “Yeah” “So the fans will still love you they’ve stuck by you this long.” He finally smiled “you’re right.” The whole night was spent playing video games together.

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