He compares you to his ex (All)

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 I used random names for most of them

I know Michael and video games gets used for everything but I was running out of ideas


You and Ashton were a happy couple for the most part but when arguments came up things got intense. Lately Ashton seemed really distant and you tried to confront him about it things quickly backfired when he got really defensive “YOU WHINE MORE THAN JADE DID” his eyes widened as he realized what he had just said. You stood there stunned a bit finally you were able to come back to reality as you started walking away “Y/N wait I didn’t mean it I was just mad c’mere please” you looked in his eyes and noticed he was sincere you accepted his hug. “I’m so sorry babe I know I’ve been distant lately I’m really sorry” “I forgive you” “really?” “Yeah” when he wasn’t looking you threw a pillow at him. “Hey” “hey” you smirked “I guess I deserved that” “yeah and then some” he stepped back protecting himself “what happened to forgiving me?” “Oh right” you walked up and kissed him. The argument was soon forgotten for good.


“Calum you never spend time with me” “Y/N you knew it was going to be like this when we started dating” “oh I’m sorry I actually want to see my boyfriend when he’s not touring or in the studio” “see your more demanding than Sierra was.” Sickening silence filled the room sure you and Calum argued before every couple does but he had never compared you to Sierra you walked past him to your shared room to try to calm yourself down as Calum thought about the best way to fix this. A few minutes later Calum knocked on the door and let himself in “h-hey” he stuttered knowing just how bad he messed up. “Hey” he sat next to you on the bed and gently lifted your chin up “I’m really sorry” “that really hurt me Calum” “I know babe I just let my emotions control me” you sighed “you’re forgiven” he laid back and wrapped his arms around you causing you to lay on him. “I didn’t agree to this” you smirked “god Y/N you’re such a tease.” Calum spent just about every spare minute he had with you it got annoying at times but it made you love him more.


“Hey Luke can you get your clothes off the floor” “really Y/N” “what” “I’m not a little kid I can clean after myself ya know” “I just want a clean house” “at least Aleisha wasn’t a clean freak” “if you love her so much why don’t you go back to her” you went to your room and slammed the door before you said something else you didn’t mean. A few minutes later you heard the door close your couldn’t help but wonder if Luke did go back to her he wouldn’t do that though he loves you right? You tired the tv on to try to put your mind at ease it wasn’t really helping though. An hour later you heard the door open you could hear Luke running up the stairs you didn’t really know what to expect at this point. When Luke walked in with his guitar in hand you were relived like didn’t say anything but he started strumming the guitar you then realized he wrote a song for you and that’s why he took so long. You didn’t realize you had been crying until he set the guitar down and wiped your tears he put your favorite movie on and laid down next to you all throughout the movie he would play with your fingers and hair to make sure you really were ok.


“Hey michael” “…” “Michael” “MICHAEL” finally you decided to unplug the tv “Y/N what the hell I almost had a new record?!” “I’ve been calling you for the past five minutes” “you are so much more controlling than Lilly.” You were about to walk away when Michael grabbed your wrist and pulled you onto his lap “I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me” “I don’t wanna know” he laughed “me either” “although I would like to see your face when I beat you” “hah you don’t stand a chance.” A few hours later you and Michael were so involved in the game you guys forgot about everything except for beating the other one. In the end you won and Michael being the sore loser he is demanded a rematch.

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