Play fights

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You woke up to the sound of Ashton’s voice “And here we see sleeping beauty” he wouldn’t you opened your eyes and seen him making a keek “ASHTON?!” “yes” “what are you doing?” “I’m filming a keek say hi” you hid under the covers. “Y/N?” “what” “what are you doing” “hiding my face” he went under the covers with you “I wasn’t really making a keek” “well that is a horrible way to wake someone up” he laughed “but it worked and nothing else would.” You kissed him “you never tried that” “ohh well give me another chance” you laughed and closed your eyes when you felt Ashton’s lips on yours you kissed him back. “I like where this is going” you laughed “where is it going?” “Breakfast?” he asked eagerly you lightly hit his chest “oh right.” He forgot about breakfast that morning to say the least.


It was 1 am and you couldn’t sleep you tried laying on your side to see if that would help but it didn’t Calum sighed “Go to sleep” “Don’t you think I would if I could” he stayed quite after that not used to being sassed back. Now that both of you were wide awake you decided to have a little fun with it when Calum wasn’t looking you hit him with a pillow “WHAT WAS THAT FOR” you giggled “I’m bored” “And I care why?” he asked playfully as you hit him with the pillow again “ok I care just please stop assaulting me with pillows” you sighed “Fine Mr. no fun” he laughed “Mr. no fun?” “I can’t come up with insults on the spot you both laughed. You started reading when you noticed how quiet Calum was you figured he went back to sleep and kept reading when you felt a pillow collide with your body you looked at Calum and glared “Who’s the no fun one now” he smirked. The night was filled with sarcastic comments and pillow fights.


You were trying to get some cereal when Luke walked in “Need some help” he asked sleep laced in his voice “No I can get it” you were hoping to prove you could get it yourself.  You struggled for a few minutes longer when Luke got it and poured himself a bowl of cereal and went to put it back. “Oh did you need something” he smirked at you “Please Luke” “What does Y/N need help?” “Yes please.” He sighed and gave it to you “Was that so hard?” “Yes it was torture” he laughed and set his head on your shoulder “Feed me?” “Oh does Luke need help?” “Please” “Hmm no.” He realized what you were doing and put the orange juice above your head before you could reach for it you struggled for a few minutes and gave up. Luke felt bad and gave it to you as you smirked “I won” you cheered as Luke sighed “I’ll get you next time.” 


There was a little bit of soda left so you drank it when Michael walked in “Babe where’s the soda?” “oh did you want some?” “Yeah” “Sucks to be you” you ran and hid in the closet while Michael registered what you had just said when realization hit him he ran after you. He walked into the bedroom “Oh Y/N” you tried to hold back a laugh as you stayed hidden. Unfortunately Michael knew you were in the closet he opened the door “BOO!” You screamed even though you knew he was going to find you he laughed and wrapped his arms around you “Gotcha” he whispered he set you down on the bed gently your heart started racing as Michael smirked at you. A few seconds later he started tickling you “MICHAEL” you screamed as he found your most ticklish spot he stopped and looked at you innocently “What?” you rolled your eyes and hit him with a pillow “Now who is the violent one” you both laughed.

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