Sleepless nights (All)

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Plot: You can't sleep he helps you

Imagine: Ashton

Ashton could hear you tossing and turning “are you ok” “yeah I just can’t sleep.” He walked out of the room and came back with popcorn and candy and put your favorite movie on he laid back down next to you and put his arm around you as you cuddled into him. He smiled at you and started rubbing your back a few minutes later he threw a piece of candy at you, you laughed and waited a while where he wouldn’t expect it and threw one back at him. He was into the movie and was scared at first when the candy hit his skin you couldn’t help but laugh at his scared reaction “you know it’s not good to laugh at other people” before you could respond he started tickling you a few minutes later you decided to give in “a-ash I’m sorry” he smirked obviously happy he won. After that you started feeling tired and Ashton let you lay on him you eventually fell asleep to the rhythm of his heart beat.


You were watching the clock slowly change numbers you looked over at Calum who was sleeping peacefully. You started running your hands through his hair out of habit when his eyes fluttered open as he adjusted to the light. “Babe what’s wrong” he asked with sleep laced in his voice “I can’t sleep sorry for waking you” “don’t be that’s what I’m here for” he smiled “let’s go to the beach” “but it’s 1 in the morning” “and neither of us can sleep and it’ll be relaxing” you smiled and agreed. Calum laid the blanket on the sand and got more blankets out as you laid down he laid next to you. You both fell asleep within a few minutes and it was one of the best nights you had with each other.


Luke would sometimes stay up a little later than you so it surprised him when you came and sat next to him. “You doing ok” “no I can’t sleep” you sat down he was eating ice cream out of the container he offered you some and you accepted he. This went on for a while each of you taking turns eating it some of it had melted you put some on Luke’s nose “you’d look cute with an ice cream nose” you giggled he playfully glared at you and returned the favor. You guys decided you were even and got the ice cream off Luke laid down on the couch and waited for you to lay in front of him and put the blanket over both of you. He started telling you all the funny things that happened at the studio the more you laughed the more he smiled before you knew it you were yawning quite a bit you really wanted to stay awake to hear Luke’s stories. He saw how hard you were struggling to stay awake and smiled “it’s ok babe I can tell you tomorrow” “ok” you smiled as he wrapped arms around you.


Michael was on tour so there was about a 10 hour time difference when he seen your name on Skype he knew something was wrong. A few minutes later and you guys were seeing each other for the first time in what felt like ages. You started tearing up a bit “hey what’s wrong” “I’m tired and I miss you” hearing your voice crack was almost enough to have Michael in tears himself “stay there for a second ok?” “Ok” he went and got his guitar and started playing all of your favorite songs he would mess up a few times to hear you laugh. When you finally fell asleep he couldn’t turn it off so he set it next to him and pretended you were with him.

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