Beaches and Icecream (Ashton)

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Plot: He says I love you for the first time

Imagine: Y/L/N- your last name

You and Ashton have always been really close friends he had a few days off tour and asked you to go to the beach with him. Once you guys were at the beach your inner kid came through and you and Ashton were having an extreme splash fight it was difficult to say who was winning. “Hey Y/N c’mere a minute” you came closer forgetting about the fight you could now feel his breath on your neck “yeah?” he splashed you again it took you a minute to recover from everything that just happened but you two were splashing again in no time. A few hours later Ashton had talked you into building a castle empire so that’s what you guys were working on. Out of the blue Ashton stopped working on the “castle empire” as he called it you noticed he was now looking at you and smiling “Whats going on in that head of yours Irwin” “I love you Y/N” “I love you to Ashton” “No I mean I love love you” he was now blushing and looked down you lifted his head a little “I love love you to Ashton” “really?” “Ashton I wouldn’t lie about something like this” he laughed “I know I just didn’t expect you to like me back” he was blushing again “aww wittle Irwin is blushing” “geez you’re as bad as the guys” “Yeah but I love love you” You looked at each other burst out laughing “oooo there’s an Icecream place over there c’mon Y/N” he just about dragged you over there he was so happy. He ordered the icecream for both of you and went to give you yours “your icecream m’lady” you tried to go along with it but ended up laughing.”Hey look over there” Ashton pointed in a random direction “I don’t see anything” you looked back at your icecream what was left of it anyway. “Ashton did you eat my icecream” “noooo” you noticed the color of your icecream on his tongue “your tongue says otherwise lover boy” “dammit”  ”did you really think you could pull that off” “no but it was worth a try” you laughed at his childness “what are you laughing at “Y/L/N” he asked smirking “You crazy” “Y/N how could you?!” he put a hand on his heart faking hurt. The rest of the day consisted of Ashton doing anything he could to make you laugh now that you were officially his. 

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