He likes you but you have a bf

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You weren't really happy in your relationship, but you didn't know what to do about it. Ashton had had a crush on you since the day you met. He would never say anything to you about because you had a boyfriend. One night when you were telling him how you felt about your boyfriend he got excited. "Neither of us are happy what should I do?" "What do you think you should do?" "I guess break up." Ashton rubbed your back knowing how much you loved your boyfriend. Ashton was there to support you after the breakup eventually you and Ash ended up together.


"Hey there's a party tonight you should come" Luke told Calum. Calum was trying to get over a broken heart with the guys help. Calum sighed "I guess it might be fun." Calum went to the bar while Luke went dancing. After his third drink you sat next to him. "One drink for the pretty lady" Calum smiled at you. "I have a boyfriend" "two people can't talk?" You laughed and agreed to talking. You and Calum became friends his crush on you was never spoken of.


You and Luke had been friends for a while. After a few years Luke started liking you a lot, but was too scared to tell you. One day Luke finally got the courage to tell you. He didn't know how he was going to do it but he was determined to do it. Luke went over to your house "Hey Luke come in" "thank you" Once you were both sitting on the couch Luke started going over ways to tell you. You suddenly remembered you forgot to tell Luke about your new boyfriend. "Guess what!" "What?" "You remember the guy I've been telling you about. He asked me out!" Luke was shocked "Congratulations" Luke cheered for you even though he was crushed.


You and Michael were best friends and had a little bit of a love-hate friendship. Whenever people seen the two of you together they assumed you were a couple. Thankfully you and Michael never had that awkwardness where one of you fell for the other one, or so you thought. In the last few months Michael started feeling something. He thought you were out of his league so he never said anything. One night he was talking with the guys "Dude, how is anything going to happen if you never tell her?" Luke asked "that's the thing what if it ruins our friendship?" Michael always was a little stubborn when it came to things like this. "You're never going to know if you don't try" Calum tried to persuade him. "You guys are right I'll tell her tomorrow." They all cheered and drank beers. The next day Michael was going to tell you. But he overheard you talking to your friends about your new boyfriend and left before he embarrassed himself.

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