Scars and cuddles (Calum)

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Trigger warning 

Plot: You’re not feeling very good about yourself and start to get sad and self harm and he sees and helps you

Imagine: It was a cold rainy day and Calum was at the studio with the guys and said he would probably be home late so you decided to take a bath as you started the bath water your reflection caught your eye you were disgusted with what you seen you walked away from the mirror and got in the bath. You seen your razor blade and started craving the cold metal going through your skin you couldn’t resist anymore and finally brought it to your skin you flinched at how cold it was but you slowly welcomed the pain back.You watched as the water turned red you smiled to yourself and finally drained the water. You got out of the bath and saw some blood trickle down your leg you cleaned up the cuts and put some band-aids on so Calum wouldn’t see the blood on your clothes. You turned the t.v on and laid on the couch in front of the fireplace you were slowly falling asleep when you finally stopped avoiding it and let yourself sleep. Calum come home late that night like he said and carried you to bed he went to the bathroom and seen your blade “No” he whispered to himself he couldn’t stand the thought of you being in so much pain that you felt like you deserved it. He walked back in the bedroom unsure of what to do until you woke up just then you pulled the covers off in your sleep he looked you up and down and seen where some blood had bled through the band-aid he just about broke down in tears. He laid down beside you and started running his fingers through your hair your eyes fluttered open “Cal what’s wrong” “shouldn’t I be asking you that” “what” “I seen your thigh, Y/N” your eyes widened you never meant for anybody else to see especially Calum. He pulled you onto his lap “can you tell me why please” “I see myself in the mirror and I hate the way I look. I see this other girls that are so put together and look amazing then there is me a disgusting excuse of a human.” “Y/N I promise you the other girls aren’t as put together as you think you are and you are the most beautiful girl I’ve seen” “but I have fat” “that just means your human.” You and Calum spent a few hours talking that night after talking about it you felt a lot better the rest of the night was spent cuddling and Calum making as many lame jokes as he could to hear you laugh and make you smile as much as he could.

A/N I would just like to say I am in no way romanticizing self-harm.I know everybody says this but if you ever need someone to talk, vent, rant anything even if you just want to fangirl I am here for you guys. I’m pretty much always on here I would love to talk to you guys :)

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