Young love (Ashton)

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Plot: you're sixteen and dating Ashton

You knew it was going to be a little difficult dating Ashton the way people would react to the age gap but you were both okay with it. A couple hours after Ashton announced it your twitter notifications blew up with mostly negative stuff you sighed as you read your mentions Ashton sat next to you “what’s wrong” “your fans hate me” he looked at your phone and sighed he took it out of your hand and moved it next to him so you couldn’t get it. “They’re just jealous of how beautiful you are” you smiled “you’re so cheesy” “you love me for it” he did a weird eyebrow dance as you laughed “does the weirdness come with the cheesiness” he laughed “yes it’s a package deal’ you both laughed “I should win an award” “for what” “dealing with you” “Y/N, HOW COULD YOU”  he put a hand on his heart as you giggled “see what I mean” he suddenly kissed you, you were a little shocked at first but you went with it “well you’re not complaining about dealing with me now” he smirked “how mature” you rolled your eyes as he laughed “I love you, Y/N” “I love you, too”

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