Baby Hood

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I know this isn’t really accurate and a newborn would cry a lot but I thought this would be cuter

It was the fourth night of having your newborn daughter home and you were exhausted Calum offered to take care of her for the night and next day not that Calum hadn’t been helping but he would basically do everything. You happily agreed and went to sleep knowing Kristen was taken care of. Later that night you woke up to get a glass of water when you heard Calum in the nursery you leaned against the wall as Calum was talking about you to Kristen you smiled to yourself. He gently rocked her back and forth as she stared at him with her big brown eyes he smiled as he rocked her you walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around him he smiled at you “how are you doing” “ok just tired” “go back to sleep I’ve got her” he tried to reassure you at this point sleep took over and you did go back to bed you could still hear Calum talking to Kristen “your mom is crazy isn’t she” he laughed at his own joke. You decided to tell him of in the morning as you fell asleep Calum started singing to Kristen as he laid down next to you she fell asleep a few minutes later on his chest as he smiled still in shock that it was his daughter asleep on him.

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