Another guy ruins a moment

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When you and Ashton first became friends the two of you watched corny movies and would make fun of them several years later and it’s yours and Ashtons favorite thing to do. This one was a romantic comedy Ashton secretly had a thing for romantic movies you did too but neither of you admitted it to the other one. An hour into the movie and both of you were bored out of your minds you looked at Ashton he was already looking at you so you blushed and looked down he lifted your chin “hey don’t hide your blush it’s cute” hearing that only made you blush harder as you looked up and got lost in his eyes when Calum came and sat down “oo popcorn” Calum was oblivious to what was about to happen as you and Ashton awkwardly sat there for the rest of the movie.  


You were staying with the guys for a few days and you and Calum were the only ones home. You sat on the couch with your favorite book and started re-reading it for the hundredth time as Calum sat next to you “whatcha reading” you explained what the book was about “sounds complicated” you both laughed “I guess it can be” “it’s obvious you’re more intelligent than the guys and I” you put the book down as Calum started leaning in you copied him your lips were close enough to were you could feel Calum’s breath “HELLOO” Ashton called out “dammit” Calum muttered under his breath as he turned the tv on so Ashton wouldn’t get suspicious. “Oh hey guys” Ashton sat between the two of you making it even more awkward for you and Calum if that was even possible “why are you watching animals have sex” Ashton laughed  you and Calum looked up of course it would be on animal channel you both started blushing “we- uhh- um” Calum stuttered “I must have accidentally changed the channel” Calum silently thanked you as you changed the channel. To your surprise Ashton actually believed you or he didn’t want to make it more awkward either way you were glad it was over.


Luke invited you to go on a date with him you agreed to meet him at the nearest restaurant. When you got there you were kind of shocked at how fancy it was with dim lights and candles on every table Luke smirked at your reaction “earth to Y/N” you blushed a little “sorry” he smiled “it’s fine.” You guys talked for a while when Luke finally got the courage to try and kiss you “the candles really bring out the color of your eyes” you looked up in shock you had liked Luke for a year but were to scared to make a move or anything once you realized what was happening you started leaning in until a familiar voice spoke up “What are you guys doing here” Michael asked “eating” Luke gritted his teeth but Michael didn’t notice as he invited himself to sit down. Luke gave you an apologetic smile you smiled back as Michael ignored what was going on between the two of you. The night was actually kind of fun with Michael and Luke once the tension went away even though you really wanted to kiss Luke the date went well under the circumstances.


Ashton, Calum and Luke helped you get on tour for a few weeks to surprise Michael obviously you both missed each other a lot and the way the other one felt. Ashton, Calum and Luke left so you could surprise Michael what felt like hours later you heard the door open you started getting excited knowing what the outcome was probably going to be Michael walked in where you were “Y/N!!!” he hugged you and spun you around a little as you laughed “you’re going to make me sick” “oh right sorry I can’t believe you’re here” excitement clear in his voice “I know me either.” You and Michael looked at each other and stayed silent as you both took in the appearance of the other one you were dying to feel Michael’s lips on yours he felt the same way about you until finally his soft lips were against yours. Neither of you noticed the door open “am I interrupting something” Luke asked “no we were watching a movie” Michael raised his voice he threw a sock that was lying on the floor at Luke he finally ran off the bus. You and Michael looked at each other and started laughing after the sudden mood killer you both decided to play video games until the guys went to sleep.

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