Bug problems (Michael)

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Plot: There is a bug in the bathroom and you and Michael are scared

You and Michael were siting on the couch when you decided to get a shower. “whatcha doin” Michael asked as he saw you get up “taking a shower” “want some company” he asked with a smirk. You laughed “No Michael I can handle it” “if you need help I’m right here” you laughed and went to turn the water on when something moving caught your eye. As you looked closer you realized it was a spider and screamed Michael ran in “Y/N what’s wrong” “s-spider” you stuttered out. At that very moment Michael saw it and screamed and pulled you out of the bathroom and closed the door. “Michael it can fit through the crack” “WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO” “uhh your boot” “no” “how else are we going to kill it” “fine we’ll use the boot.” You and Michael hesitantly walked back into the bathroom “oh no” “what” “it’s not there Michael” “don’t be ridiculous Y/N” Michael looked where the spider had been. You and Michael searched the small area “Babe the sink” “what” “look it’s in the sink” you looked at the sink where the little black menace was. Michael turned the sink on “Are you sure you don’t want company” Michael asked with puppy eyes “MICHAEL” “what” “is me being naked all you think about” “yes” you blushed “fine” “yay” “that’s not very punk rock of you” “oh what do you know about being punk rock?” You both laughed and continued with the shower occasionally making fun of the other one.  

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