Coming home (Cal)

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You stared at the clock in agony, Calum would be landing in 4 hours. You sighed and tried to distract yourself not that it helped. It was finally time to meet Calum at the airport. As soon as you got in your car your stomach seemed to fill with butterflies. The drive was one of the slowest yet seemingly longest rides of your life. Once you walked in you tried to hide your excitement so people wouldn’t get suspicious. You felt your phone vibrate “I’m here ;)” you laughed to yourself “I see you” you text back not being able to come up with anything else. “Stalker much?” You rolled your eyes and waited for Calum to get off. When you seen Calum you ran up to him as he picked you up and spun you around. “Well if it isn’t my favorite stalker” you both laughed and went to get Calum’s luggage. After y’all got home Calum ran in and laid on the couch “home sweet home” Calum sighed happily as he buried his face into the cushion. “You love the house more than me” you laughed and hit him lightly with a pillow “yeah it doesn’t hit me with pillows” Calum smirked. All of a sudden you felt Calum’s hands wrapped around before you realized what was happening he pulled you on the couch with him. “Y/N, I promise I love you more than the house.” You laughed “you have no idea how comforting that is” you both laughed and laid there for a while. “God I’ve missed this” Calum broke the silence “me too” you smiled at him. That night you both fell asleep on the couch wrapped in each others embrace. 

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