Big fight (Luke)

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Luke finally had a day off so you thought you guys could do something that was until you saw Luke about to go out. “Where are you going” “the guys and I are going to hangout” “what about me” “you can have some friends over or something” “but Luke you’ve been with them for months what about us” “when did you get so obsessive” “maybe when my boyfriend started neglecting me” you raised your voice you hated conflict but you never seen Luke anymore. Luke scoffed “I’m not neglecting you, Y/N” he knew otherwise but he couldn’t admit it to himself. “THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING” “TRYING TO ENJOY MY LIFE” That was your breaking point you walked into your room and tried to calm yourself down but there was nothing that could calm you down like Luke could but that probably wasn’t happening anytime soon. A few minutes later the door slammed making you even more emotional. 

He slammed the door behind him and instantly regretted it Y/N is right I am pretty much neglecting her. It’s a wonder she’s still with me he thought to himself and sat on the concrete and leaned his head back. He knew how much you hated conflict the more he thought of the things he did and didn’t do for you the worse he felt. He finally got up and went back inside he walked in on you laying on your stomach as you cried he rubbed your back “I’m sorry, babe” he whispered. You relaxed being under his touch you sat up “c’mere” he made it where you were sitting in front of him as he played with your hair and rubbed your back. You looked back at Luke as he smiled at you “are you ok” you asked seeing the red in his face “yeah” you turned around to face him. “I love you” he smiled even more and kissed your head “I love you, too” he pulled the blanket over the two of you as you snuggled into his chest. He held you the rest of the night scared of losing you.

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