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You woke up and tried not to wake Ashton up. When you came our of the bathroom you felt hands around your eyes you jumped and screamed a lot. You felt a warm breath on your ear “shh it’s just me” Ashton put his hands down “well maybe I wouldn’t be so freaked our if somebody hadn’t of blinded me.” Ashton laughed “we should go on a date” he smiled and wrapped his arms around you. “I can’t get ready with you wrapped around me” he laughed “sorry babe be ready at 7?” A few hours later you walked downstairs where Ashton was when you got in the car Ashton handed you a blindfold “really Ashton?!” “Pleeease?” You sighed and let him tie it on you. A few minutes later you were bored “Ash are we there yet?” Ashton laughed “almost there, babe.” What felt like ages later Ashton stopped the car “we’re here” “finally” Ashton laughed and took the blind fold off. You looked at where you were and your jaw dropped. It was the park where Ashton took you for your first date and there were candles everywhere. “I hope you’re not excepting a 5 star meal or anything” you both laughed as Ashton set got everything ready for the picnic. Ashton got down on one knee”Y/N we’ve been dating for a while now and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” You teared up and nodded Ashton picked you up and spun you around.


Calum thought you had been a little distant lately and he couldn’t figure out why. So he spent the whole day thinking of a way to get you less distant. After making countless notes he decided to take a break. He noticed a glass of wine and got an idea. When you got home Calum have you some wine and attempted a French accent which made you laugh. “Calum what are you doing?” He sighed “you’ve been really distant lately and I didn’t want you to break up with me.” “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant and you don’t have to worry I’m not breaking up with you.” He smiled “good cause there’s more” he smirked and picked you up. “What are you doing?” You laughed “wait for it” he walked to the bathroom and opened the door “surprise” he had filled the bathtub and put some flower petals in with the water. He even added some candles and more wine “let’s get this party started” he laughed “alright.”


Luke was walking around town when he noticed a sign that said “free kittens” Luke promised himself he was just going to look. A few minutes later he was laying on the grass with kittens all over him he finally got up when one of the kittens meowed at him. “Hey little guy” the kitten meowed again. He picked up the kitten and it started smelling his face. Luke suddenly felt a tug on his lip “You can’t have my lip ring that would make you a punk rock kitten though.” Luke laughed at his own joke and got the kitten everything it needed and took him home to play with it before you got home. You walked in and seen Luke cuddled with a kitten “SURPRISE!” “Luke what is that?” “It’s a kitten, babe.” You laughed and rolled your eyes “So what are you going to name him?” He asked as you sat next to him you thought about it for awhile and smirked “Yoda” “Yoda why?” “Think about it Luke” you emphasized his name when realization hit “Baabe that’s mean” “but it’s cute right, Yoda?” You pet his head when he meowed “see Yoda agrees?” He sighed “fine you and Yoda win but there’s something I can do Yoda can’t.”


You had been really stressed out at your job lately, and Michael could tell. Another boring day on the job Michael trie to get you to quit. But being home alone with nothing to do while he was on tour was not an option. The day seemed to drag on finally you were done and had the whole weekend off. You walked in and were shocked to see all the lights off and candles on the table. You walked in confused “Michael?” He walked out of the kitchen “SURPRISE!” He put your favorite food on the table. Michael pulled your chair back and let you sit down. You jokingly bowed “Why thank you.” You and Michael started laughing. You instantly felt relieved with Michael.

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