The fair

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Ashton came home a little early from tour to surprise you. When he saw the fair was going on he begged you to go you agreed. The sun was starting to set as you guys came across the Ferris wheel Ashton stood in line and looked at you with a sad face you laughed and stood next to him. "The Ferris wheel is the biggest thrill ride" you both looked at each other and started laughing only Ashton. A few minutes later you and Ashton were sitting next to each other as the operator went over the rules. The ride stopped as you and Ashton reached the top you stared in awe at the sunset Ashton put his arm around you "You look better than the sunset" you looked at Ashton he was already looking at you, before you knew what was happening you were both leaning in just as the ride started moving again. Ashton cursed under his breath "We can still kiss" Ashton smirked "Yeah you're right." You kissed each other even though Ashton had planned on making it more romantic you both loved it.


You and Calum were walking around the fair when you saw the distorting mirrors "Ooh let's go in there" you dragged Calum in while he laughed. Most of it consisted of making fun of the other one. "I'm taller than you" you smirked as Calum stood next to you. He playfully pouted "I wanna be tall" he crossed his arms causing you to laugh at his expression. In the next one Calum was taller than he already was "Having a boyfriend that's over 6 feet tall is hard enough you better not get any taller." Calum laughed "Aww is wittle Y/N jealous" you laughed "I'm not jealous" "sure" you rolled your eyes and went to the next one. "What's so special about this one" Calum asked confused by the mirror "I don't know maybe it's normal to trick us." Calum looked at you through the reflection "What are you doing" "Admiring my beautiful girlfriend" you blushed and looked down. The last mirror was special because it reflected the love you and Calum had for each other.


Luke had set up a date for the two of you at the fair. When you walked by the games "I bet I can win you something" "oh yea?" "yea." Luke threw the ball and managed to hit none of them he looked back at you, you tried not to laugh. After the 3rd time you decided to say something so he wouldn't waste all of his money on a game "Luke really it's fine" "No I'm going to win you something." He threw the ball again and managed to hit one "For all of your efforts you can have one of the stuffed animals." Luke's face lit up when he seen a penguin he gave it to you "Now when I'm not with you I can still be with you" you laughed "Thank you, Luke" you kissed him which caught him off guard "You didn't have to stop" he smirked "I don't think the fair people would appreciate it" "Well that's not fair." He laughed at his own joke causing you to laugh.


You finally managed to get Michael out of the house and to the fair, it was a lot easier than you thought it would be. After going on the majority of the rides Michael got some cotton candy "Hey it looks like your hair or whats left of it" Michael glared at you "No cotton candy for you." You grabbed the cotton candy from him and ate some "Now you're stealing things wow I thought better of you than that." You stuck your tongue out at Michael "WHEN WILL IT END" you were both laughing when Michael stole the cotton candy from you "Now you're stealing wow I thought better of you than that" you mocked him. "At least I look cute doing it" "At least I have hair" "Take that back!" You smirked "No can do, babe" you ate more cotton candy as Michael playfully glared at you. 

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