He gets jealous (All)

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Ashton You and Ashton were walking around the mall he went to the bathroom while you decided to get some food. You stood in line for what felt like an eternity when you finally made it to the front of the line “hey cutie what can I get for you” you ordered yours and Ashton’s food. “Is that all, babe?” At that moment Ashton walked up next to you “no that’ll be all” Ashton answered for you one look at Ashton and the guy backed off “y-yes sir.” You and Ashton sat down “Ash are you ok” he sighed “yeah I know it’s not your fault I’m just scared you’ll eventually find someone better than me” “Ash look at me that’ll never happen you’re all I want” he blushed and laughed a little. 

Calum Luke was sitting on the couch and you were extremely tired “Whoa Y/N are you ok” “yeah just really tired” you laid your head on Luke’s shoulder “your shoulder makes a good pillow” Luke laughed “thank you” “Hey Y/N wanna- oh sorry for interrupting” Calum said and walked away a few minutes later you heard the front door slam. You groaned Luke gave you a sympathetic smile you walked outside and sat next to a very mad Calum “Why don’t you go cuddle with your beloved Luke” he asked jealousy in every word as he turned his back to you. You wrapped your arms around his neck “because I love you” you yawned “don’t you dare fall asleep on me” he laughed “some boyfriend you are” you both laughed as he stood up to give you piggy back ride “what are you doing” you giggled “well I’m not letting my girlfriend sleep on the concrete” he laid you down on the bed and played with your hair until you fell asleep on his chest. 

Luke There was a picture of you in a bikini on twitter that everybody was talking about especially with it being the worldwide trend it ended up getting a lot of guys attention. Luke huffed “Is everything ok, Luke” “oh yeah guys everywhere now see my girlfriend as a piece of meat” “Luke it’s not like that” “THEN WHAT IS IT, Y/N?!” “IT’S JUST A PICTURE OF ME IN A BIKINI!” Silence filled the room as Luke took in what you had just said “you’re right babe I’m sorry” “it’s ok just tell me next time something bothers you please” “ok” he smiled and went back to his goofy self. 

Michael You and Calum were playing FIFA with Ashton and Luke cheering you guys on. While Michael pouted on the other side of the room you and the guys were so into the game nobody noticed when Michael left the room. “NOBODY CAN DEFEAT ME” you cheered loudly as the guys laughed “I think Michael may have rubbed off on you, Y/N” Luke smirked “I guess you’re right hey where is Michael?” You all looked to where Michael had been sitting before “shit” you went up the stairs and knocked on the door no response you went in to make sure he was ok knowing he was probably pissed. “Hey” “..” “I’m sorry” “cause sorry makes it all better right” you sighed “Michael I really am sorry” “would you stop saying that” you figured he would be upset but he seemed more sad than anything. You sat next to him and started running your fingers through his hair a few minutes later he smiled “it’s impossible to stay mad at you” “I do have that effect on people” he smirked “maybe I have rubbed off on you” “you say that like its a bad thing” “welll” you made a sad face “I’m kidding babe” he hugged you and put his hands in your back pockets “and you’re still a pervert I see” “always” he smirked.

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