He thinks you're going to leave him (Michael)

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You were taking online classes for college when the guys walked in. “Michael you know Y/N is going to be smarter than you” Michael stuck his tongue out at Luke. Several jokes about you being smarter than Michael the guys finally left you went and sat back down Michael went to your shared room. 10 Minutes later you went to check on him as he was laying on his stomach on the bed you sat next to him rubbing his back “Hey are you ok” “mm” “what’s wrong” “You aren’t going to find a smarter guy and leave me are you” his voice cracked at the end “Michael look at me I am never going to leave you” “promise” “promise” “and you’re smarter than the guys” he smirked and pulled you closer to him “I love you, Y/N” “I love you too, Michael” he started playing with your fingers. “Your fingers are cute” you giggled “thanks.” Seeing you giggle made him smile even more knowing he was crazy to think you would leave him.

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