Sing me to sleep (Ash)

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You had been tossing and turning for hours. You wanted to call Ashton but you didn’t want to bother him. You remembered earlier you and Ashton had figured out there was a 12 hour difference. The clock next to you read 2:06 you finally caved and decided to call Ashton. He answered on the second ring “Babe, is something wrong?” you smiled at how concerned he was “No well sort of I can’t sleep.” “put your phone on speaker” “why” “just trust me.” You could hear the smirk in his voice. You couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing normally if you couldn’t sleep he would just talk about his day and talk in his weird voice. You heard some shuffling in the background and finally a somewhat out of breath Ashton came back on the line “lay down and close your eyes” now you were really confused, but you went along with it. A few seconds later you heard the first chords of your favorite song being played. When Ashton started singing you were in awe the way he hit the notes just right. What felt like seconds later he finished “Encore, encore!” You cheered causing Ashton to laugh “I guess one more wouldn’t hurt.” You smiled to yourself the fact that Ashton felt comfortable enough to sing just for you’ve brought tears to your eyes. You feel asleep after the third song you were somehow able to convince Ashton to sing. He listened to you breath and snore for a few seconds he smiled “goodnight Y/N” That night he kept replaying the sound of your breathing and snoring so it felt like you were with him.

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