You get shipped with another guy

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Ashton seemed really upset lately which was unlike Ashton “You ok, Ash” “you love me right” “of course, why” “just wondering” “ok..” Later that night Ashton was watching a movie by himself you sat next to him as he put his arm around you. You laid your head on him and stole some of his popcorn “Do you like Luke” you looked up at him “he’s a good friend yeah” “no do you like like him” “no babe are you sure your ok” “yeah the fans think you and Luke would be a cute couple and it just got me thinking maybe you do like him and-” you kissed him before he could finish “Do you still think that” he smirked “maybe a little” “why don’t we fix that.” The movie was soon forgotten about and Ashton was no longer worried about losing you.


You and Calum were watching tv together when a celebrity gossip show came on “whose life are they going to ruin now” you asked Calum laughed “isn’t it illegal for them to do that” he asked while eating popcorn “no there is no law against stupidity” “your sass is getting as bad as the fans” “who do you think they learned from” he threw a piece of popcorn at you as you dodged it and threw one at him your game was cut short when the tv interrupted “Are Y/N and Michael Clifford dating? All the details coming up next” you both looked at each other and started laughing. You guys called Michael to see if he had heard about it after 3 rings he finally answered “hello” “hey have you seen the news” “no why” “apparently you and Y/N are dating” “wow Y/N you could have told me first now I have to find out through your ex” you all laughed and said bye to Michael. You went on twitter “Just to clarify I am dating Calum not Michael” the next day everybody had calmed down and went back to being somewhat drama less.


"Hey babe what’s shipping" "It’s when you think two people would make a good couple" "oh" "is everything ok, Luke" "hm yeah" he smiled at you.The rest of the day Luke seemed really distant but you didn’t want to say anything in case he was just tired.You got on twitter and suddenly Luke’s behavior made sense after a bunch of "I ship Y/N and Calum" tweets suddenly came up. You walked upstairs and sat on Luke’s lap he was confused at first but eventually laid his head on you "I love you, Luke" "I love you, too" he smiled and wrapped his giant arms around you and sighed contently.


Michael was walking out of the studio when paparazzi came out of no where “Is it true Y/N and Ashton are dating” “how do you feel about this” “they aren’t dating me and Y/N are” ” but there is proof” “oh yeah what is it” “they were seen walking downtown together” “so they are friends and friends do stuff together” “so you don’t think shes cheating on you” “don’t talk about her like that” Michael raised his voice sick of all the questions he walked away before he said something he would probably regret. You had seen everything on the news so it didn’t shock you when he slammed the door you didn’t really know what to do or how he was going to react. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair he could see you were scared so he wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry” “it’s not your fault they just need a new story don’t worry about it” he smiled at you. “Why Ashton, Luke and I would look cuter” he hit you lightly “I’m kidding” “yeah I mean Luke and I would look way better than the two of you” you both laughed and joked about it more than you probably should have.

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