How you meet

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Plot: You're a Youtuber and you meet for the first time


You and Ashton were major fans of each other but the two of you were too scared to talk to the other. You were going to Vidcon and Ashton had a day off nothing was stopping him so he decided to go. You noticed a really tall guy in a hoodie and sunglasses he took his sunglasses off when your eyes met. Ashton was the first to attempt to talk “H-hi” “hi” your voice came out high pitched. “Ashton” “Y/N” you guys shook hands after a few minutes of awkward silence trying to figure out what to say you guys finally started talking and realized the other one was human too. You and Ashton stayed in touch after Vidcon and talked as much as you could he even did some videos with you.


You were walking down the street when somebody bumped into you. “Sorry” “It’s fine” after hearing the other ones voice you guys recognized each other “Calum?” “Y/N?” “I was just getting some lunch wanna join” “sure.” You and Calum were both in shock but the tension quickly eased off and you guys were talking like best friends. “Shit” “what’s wrong” “I was supposed to do a video today” “I could help” Calum started blushing after realizing what he had just said “really?” “yeah if you want” “Thank you so much” “no problem.” Later that day you and Calum did the video it turned out a lot better than you thought it would and you were now friends with Calum Hood.


You were working on a video when you realized you hadn’t eaten all day you decided to go out to eat knowing there wouldn’t be a rush at this time of day. As you drove through town contemplating what to eat you finally decided on a little Mexican grill restaurant. Just as you expected no other customers were in there you sat down with your food and started watching the tv in there “BREAKING NEWS Luke Hemmings of the band 5 Seconds of summer has been seen downtown. Being a famous YouTuber you knew what it was like having the paparazzi follow you everywhere but the fangirl side of you was hoping he would come in you laughed to yourself realizing the chances of Luke Hemmings being in the same restaurant as you was close to none. “What’s so funny?” you nearly chocked on your food as you realized Luke actually was in the same restaurant as you “I-uh thought of something” Luke smiled at you “what are you smiling at” it was his turn to stutter this time “uhh my food?” You both laughed “mind if I sit with you” “go ahead” “I’m Y/N by the way” “I know” you tilted your head “I mean I’ve watched your Youtube channel for yours you smiled “ohh so you don’t sit with every stranger you meet then?” He laughed “no you’re the first” “ohh” you both laughed and had one of the best lunch dates you had ever had.


"Hey Michael have you looked at twitter" "No what is it, Luke" "the fans are shipping you with somebody" "what?" He looked on twitter and went to the hastag and seen one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. He soon found out you were a Youtuber and looked up several of your videos. He ended up laughing so much that it was annoying the guys "Why did we show him the hastag" Ashton asked they all laughed. "Have you tried talking to her" Calum asked after being forced to watch a video "are you crazy she’s so out of my league?!" "Just follow her on twitter or something" he hesitantly followed you when he got a notification that you followed him back. "See was that so bad" his bandmates teased him "oh shut up" He eventually got the courage to message you and you guys had a really long conversation and decided on a place to meet.

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