Silent treatment (All)

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Plot: His reaction to the silent treatment 

Blurb: Michael

For some reason I can just imagine the girl going to another bedroom to sleep and he would lay with her. So then she would lay on the couch thinking he would give up but he would lay on top of her until they both started laughing and they forgot about the argument.


I think Ashton would be the type to do something really romantic like a candlelit dinner or something so that she would know just how sorry he is. Then he would probably apologize all night and maybe give her a massage or something.


Luke would probably be like really worried so he would just let her have some space until he thought it was ok to say something. Then he would hug her for forgiving him and cuddle with her the rest of the night.


I think Calum would try to apologize at first then he would see that wasn’t doing anything so he would make really stupid faces. Then he would poke her and make the puppy eyes and aww who can resist that

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