Surprise piercing (Michael)

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Plot: You get a piercing while Michael is on tour

Imagine: You’d always been fascinated with tattoos and piercings but were to nervous to get one. Since Michael was gone more you thought about surprising him with one. You went to the mall to look around and noticed the tattoos and piercings place was having a sale on all piercings. Well it’s now or never you thought and went inside before you knew it you were sitting in the chair. You felt a pinch and tried not to move “that’s it” the guy smiled and showed you the piercing. That night you and Michael were talking like normal still not used to the piercing you accidentally bit it “oww” you yelped “babe what’s wrong” Michael asked concerned “oh I bit my tongue” you said trying to sound convincing.

~one month later~
Michael walked in “hey babe” he picked you up and spun you around. You giggled “uh babe you got something on your tongue” you forgot about the piercing and tried to look at your own tongue failing miserably. “Whoa you got a tongue piercing! Does it hurt? You told him all about getting it and how you bit it when you were talking to him. He laughed “I never thought you had it in you” you stuck your tongue out at him. You laid down together and he told you all about the tour.

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