Surprise (Luke)

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Plot: You surprise Luke on tour

Imagine: It had been two dreadful months since you had seen Luke but that was just a part of being his girlfriend. Calum Michael and Ashton had been texting you earlier in the week telling you that you should surprise him by singing beside you with him knowing how difficult it was on your relationship. As of now you were backstage it was the last song of the concert and they started playing when Michael glanced at you and nodded for you to come out “she sleeps alone my heart wants to come home” yours and Luke’s voices sing in harmony. The two of you sung the rest of the song to each other glad to be in the other ones presence. “Give it up for my crazy girlfriend Y/N” Luke panted. You and the guys went backstage “when where you going to mention you could sing” Luke asked “mm now” you smirked. You two spent the rest of the night enjoying each other. 

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