You can't have kids

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*If this is a sensitive topic for you I do not recommend reading it 


You had just got back from the doctor what was supposed to be a normal check-up now shown you couldn’t have kids. You were heart-broken and you were kind of scared how Ashton would react knowing how much he wanted a family. So much was going through your mind you didn’t realize you were home already. You took a minute to get your emotions somewhat under control. You walked inside when Ashton seen your face he stopped what he was doing and hugged you. Feeling Ashton’s arms around you made you emotional again. Ashton gently picked you up and put you on the bed. He let you cry into his chest some more when you finally felt like you couldn’t cry anymore. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked quietly as he played with your hair. You knew you were going to have to tell him eventually “I-I can’t have kids.” He was quiet for a while which scared you. “And now you’re going to leave me.” “Y/N, look at me I’m not going to leave you. So you can’t have kids we can still be happy together and we could adopt if you want too. But whatever happens I’m never going to leave you.” 


You and Calum were leaving the doctor. After they said it wasn’t likely for you to have kids, your whole body felt like it shut down. Calum had never seen you like this before and it hurt him. He got your favorite drink for you but it didn’t do anything. He pulled over and put you on his lap. Your mind kept repeating the doctor’s words “It isn’t likely for you to have kids.” “Babe, please say something.” “I want kids.” He sighed and held you tighter. “We’ll get through this together ok?” You nodded he pushed some of your hair back. You buried your head in his chest as tears fell. He rubbed your back soothingly as you let all of it out. You sat back in the passenger seat. Calum took a sip of your drink. “CALUM!” “What?” He asked innocently causing you to roll your eyes and laugh. “Drink thief” he smirked “Is that my new nickname?” You smirked back “yeah” he rolled his eyes “meanie.” You laughed at his lame response. He smiled knowing you were strong enough to handle this.


It had been a week since you were told you couldn’t have kids. It hurt like hell and you still didn’t know how to tell Luke. He could tell something was bothering you, but he didn’t want to upset you so he left it alone. After arguing with yourself you decided it was time to tell him. You knew it was now or never. You walked into the living room where Luke was watching a movie. When you sat next to him he paused the movie “Are you ok?” He knew that was a stupid thing to ask someone that had been upset for a week, but he wanted to talk to you. You sighed not trusting your voice and shook your head. He brought you closer to him glad that you weren’t isolating yourself anymore. You took a few deep breaths and decided to get it over with. “I went to the doctor a week ago. They said it’s not possible for me to have kids.” You bit your lip to try to hold in the tears. Luke knew how much you loved kids and how bad you wanted a family on your own. He made it so you were on his lap as more tears fell. He started singing to you to try and calm you down. A few minutes later you were struggling to keep your eyes open when you finally gave in. When you woke up you felt arms around you and smiled a little. You rolled over as Luke opened his eyes and stretched. You laughed when he made a lot more noise than was necessary. He smiled seeing you laughing for the first time in a week. It still hurt knowing you weren’t going to be able to have kids. But with Luke around you knew you would make it through. 


You had been having a lot of health problems lately. You and Michael were currently waiting on some test results that would determine if you could have kids or not. Michael was rubbing your back trying to comfort you as much as he could. When that didn’t work he tried telling really bad jokes you laughed a little to make him happy. The doctor came back in “Your test results came back. Your body can’t handle having kids at this time. There are too many health risks involved I’m sorry.” “Thank you, doc.” Michael smiled as the doctor pat you on the back and went to the next patient. After the doctor walked out Michael’s smile faded completely he put his arm around you. You felt the world crumble down around you. Your biggest dream when you were little was to have kids and just like that it was taken away from you. When you didn’t move for a while Michael guided you outside. Once outside you heard a scream a few seconds later you realized it was you. At this point you didn’t care about the stares you were getting. “Let it out, babe.” Michael encouraged you, you were shocked but you did as he said. When you were done you did feel a little better but it still hurt. Knowing you needed fresh air Michael took you to an abandoned park. You both sat on the bench “She did say at this time so there is still some hope.” Michael smiled at you. You thought about it he was right. 

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