Kissing in the rain (Calum)

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Plot: You and Calum have your first kiss in the rain

Imagine: You were sitting in a tree eating an apple and reading a book when you felt someone watching you. You looked closer and noticed it was your best friend Calum. “What are you doing” “there was a really good looking apple in the tree so I got it” “only you would be sitting in tree while there’s a thunderstorm.” He laughed you were so involved in the book you hadn’t noticed the weather. “Can I come up” he asked after a few minutes of you two staring at each other. “Never this is my tree”you both laughed and he came up you guys started leaning in just then it started thundering scaring you both you jumped and he put his arm around your waist to keep you from falling. “T-thanks” you mumbled you two leaned in again this time you did kiss and a long lasting relationship came soon after.

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