Jealous Luke

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Plot: Luke gets jealous

Imagine: You and Luke were celebrating your 1 year anniversary of dating at a really fancy restaurant when Luke noticed another guy staring at you. Luke subtly emphasized how you were his girlfriend which only made the guy mad and tried to get your attention which then made Luke mad.You were completely unaware of what was going on with Luke and the other guy. Twenty minutes later Luke had enough and was ready to leave. When you two got in the car you couldn’t tell what Luke was mad about. “Luke what’s wrong” “WHAT’S WRONG THAT GUY WAS FLIRTING WITH YOU AND YOU WERE FLIRTING BACK” it hurt that Luke would accuse you of flirting on your 1 year anniversary “I WASN’T FLIRTING WITH HIM I DON’T EVEN KNOW HIM IN CASE YOU DIDN’T NOTICE THIS IS OUR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY MEANING I ONLY WANT YOU” He put a hand on your thigh and sighed “I know babe I’m just scared of losing you” Luke pulled over so you guys could talk. “Luke you’re not going to lose me I love you way too much to do something like that” He smiled and kissed you “how about some of my famous Ice cream?” “you mean the ice cream in the freezer?” you smirked “Yes that’s what I meant you could have went with it you know” he playfully pouted. “Now were is the fun in that” “I can show you fun” he smirked. Needless to say the ice cream was forgotten about that night.

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